Is Emojirags a Scam? Review of the Online Store

Is Emojirags a Scam? Review of the Online Store

Emojirags located at is a fake online store claiming to sell alarm clocks. Online shoppers run the risk of receiving counterfeit goods or nothing at all from the same store. Unsatisfied online users who have shopped on the untrustworthy website are asked to contact their bank or financial institution to have their transactions canceled and money refunded.

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About Emojirags Online Store

Emojirags at


Phone: (717) 644-6828

Contact: Robert Mclean

Office Address: 3506 Ne 95th St, 401, Seattle, WA 98115 United States


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Aug 13, 2020 at 10:11 PM by
Is Emojirags a Scam? Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Elmira, New York, United States

I bought a camera from this scam site. Tracking number stated I received it the day before I ordered it. Rip off Don't buy from them. My only saving grace is that I paid through PayPal and filed a claim and got my money back.


Aug 8, 2020 at 3:15 PM by
Is Emojirags a Scam? Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Fishkill, New York, United States

As an update, I won my dispute with Paypal after having my lawyer send them a letter and also I demanded the website be taken offline and it is officially offline. Never give up and always fight for true justice.


Aug 5, 2020 at 9:42 PM by
Is Emojirags a Scam? Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Fountain Hill, Pennsylvania, United States

I too was scammed by Emojirags. I purchased a printer at a ridiculously low price (that should have been my first clue!) But what is that they say about hindsight being 20/20...? I realized something was amiss when the tracking info they provided was for an item that was delivered a week before I ordered the printer. Very sneaky! Do not be fooled! They look like a legitimate company but they are anything but! Fortunately, PayPal refunded my money.


Aug 4, 2020 at 12:54 PM by
Is Emojirags a Scam? Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Fishkill, New York, United States

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to let you I threaten to sue PayPal for facilitating a scam with emojirags and demanded the site be taken offline and now the site is offline.


Jul 29, 2020 at 3:06 PM by
Is Emojirags a Scam? Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Carlsbad, California, United States

EPSON PRINTER, SCANNER-All in One Home Units. Emojirags ONLY LOOKS fully Legitimate.

IT is totally a SCAM. I simply searched or Epson WorkForce Printer 2750 and for my back-up printer Epson C88 . Pictures of both printers-with Emojirags website-AMONG all other reputable suppliers (Staples, office depot, office

Emojirags also had a list of the variety of printers IN STOCK -among all the legitimate ones. But, the other ones were all on back order or sold out.

Emojirags was only one that had both IN STOCK. I ordered one printer and decided about 36 hours later to get my other one through them, too-since they had them in stock. WHAT A MISTAKE.

Then I kept phoning and emailing that I did not receive an invoice or receipt. No phone answer-rings nonstop. My emails went to who knows where. I filled out the form many times, too. BTW, I, too, received a shipped confirmation AND WHY I thought it was legitimate. Until I magnified all the info and it said printer was delivered-when how could it be delivered 48 hours after ordering it? Let alone on the website it says to be patient-it is taking 7-10 working days?

I, TOO, paid by PayPal-I am trying to now understand the PayPal dispute process, too.

I hope all of us get our money back. Can't their sophisticated security track down the phone number, too? This is so unnerving, scary-PLEASE BE CAREFUL-one has no idea it is not legitimate-including since one is paying through PayPal.


Jul 22, 2020 at 10:28 AM by
Is Emojirags a Scam? Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Fishkill, New York, United States

I have filed a complaint with the BBB watchlist, also I am having my lawyer to send Paypal a letter as PayPal is clearly allowing this site to continue to use their logo and checkout. I have reported this company to PayPal and so far PayPal is not doing anything to revoke this person's account.


Jul 27, 2020 at 9:27 PM by
Is Emojirags a Scam? Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Dallas, Texas, United States

I have filed a dispute with PayPal stating I did not receive the item I ordered from emojirags; paid for with PayPal. PayPal sent a USPS tracking #; the item was delivered TWO DAYS before my order to a mailbox SOMEWHERE in the city I live. Dispute closed. Seriously? The only thing more demoralizing and frustrating than being ripped off by a bogus site ( thinking I was protected by PayPal “ We’ve got your back!” is dealing with their Resolution Center; never allowed to speak to a human and being told to “ Have a nice day!” after each failed attempt to have them make good their “Buyer Protection”. claim


Aug 7, 2020 at 12:49 AM by
Is Emojirags a Scam? Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Vicksburg, Mississippi, United States

...I am fighting PayPal too for my money; how do I get my money back, it’s frustrating.


Jul 20, 2020 at 11:13 AM by
Is Emojirags a Scam? Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Palm Coast, Florida, United States

I Googled several TV models to get prices and emojirags kept popping up with prices that ranged from $200 to $650 cheaper than any other site. Obvious much too good to be true. And as if that wasn't fishy enough, this site supposedly specializes in alarm clocks and head scarves. TVs don't exactly tie in with that already weird product lineup.


Jul 19, 2020 at 8:43 PM by
Is Emojirags a Scam? Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Channahon, Illinois, United States

I have just found out that I've been scammed too. I was searching for a canon rebel t7I camera and I paid the amount that was indicated on the product through PayPal. I then received a tracking number that was fake that said order delivered on the 9th July 2020 and yet I ordered on the 18th July 2020. I immediately realized it was a fake website and so I surfed the web for reviews and realized I wasn't the only one with the same problem. How could PayPal not close or track down the fake account or even authorize payment through the website?


Jul 16, 2020 at 11:02 PM by
Is Emojirags a Scam? Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Los Angeles, California, United States

Thank God I've become a little bit more wary of shopping online. I've always been hesitant, but lately, I've grown more accepting of it. But after being ripped off a few times from online sales I now look 4 other peoples reviews 2 help establish their authenticity. Thank God I checked this place out before buying off of their website. What strikes my nerves, even more, is that they are pricing items lower which attract ppl who are obviously struggling financially, who are in need of a particular item&sadly they spend their money, which I'm sure is hitting them hard, just 2 ends up losing it in the long run. Shame on this company. Total snakes in the grass. How can a person sleep at night knowing they are stealing from ppl especially ppl who are already struggling so much... THAT'S DISGUSTING..‼️..


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Is Emojirags a Scam? Review of the Online Store