9047853013 Scam: Fake Text Message
I got the following text message scam: “FRM:AT&T SUBJ:Payment on hold. Call 9047853013. MSG:0098,” but my cellphone provider is not even AT&T. If you have received the same scam, please report it to your cellphone service provider and then delete it. Do not call the telephone number 904-785-3013 in the fake text message because it is being used by scammers.
If you call 9047853013, the scammers will pretend to be your cellphone service provider and attempt to trick you into giving them your account credentials, personal and financial information.
If you have already given the scammers your information, please change your passwords and contact your cellphone service provider for help.
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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.