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Is 1-877-365-1381 a Scam Support or Customer Service Telephone Number?

Do not call 1-877-365-1381 because it is being used by scammers who are pretending to be technical support representatives. The scammers send out fake emails like the one below to their potential victims, asking them to call 1-877-365-1381. If the potential victims call the fake technical support number, the scammers will attempt to steal their online account credentials, personal and financial information.


A Fake Email Used as Bait

From: "Maggie from Billing Department" -

Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2020 10:33:36 AM

Subject: Thank you for your order (#085147)

Successful Payment Confirmation for Auto Renewal!


Date: 07/28/2020

Dear Customer,

This is an AUTO RENEWAL email alert from the WINDOWS SUPPORT CENTER that your subscription for the FIREWALL SECURITY of your Computer is going to get EXPIRED within 24 hours and $449 will be CHARGED and will be automatically deducted from the bank account.

You do not need to reply to this email and your subscription will be auto-renewed and $449 will be automatically debited from the bank account in file.

If you wish to discontinue and cancel then call our Billing Department by calling TOLL FREE 1-877-365-1381 and speak with our cancellation officer and they will guide you to through the cancellation process.

Please Do Not Reply to this Email. This Mailbox Is Not Monitored And You will Not Receive A Response. For further assistance Call TOLL FREE 1-877-365-1381

Regards, Maggie Marie Billing Department Windows Support Center LLC Toll Free - 1-877-365-1381

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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