FPWA Grant Program Scam: Beware

FPWA Grant Program Scam  Beware

FPWA has recently been receiving claims from members of the public emailing and calling their offices that individuals posing as FPWA agents have contacted them claiming that in order for the recipient to claim grant monies from FPWA they must first send the agent personal information, a cell phone number, gift card codes or money.

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FPWA does not use social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), text messages or direct phone contact to solicit, review, or make awards. FPWA staff will not call or message you requesting money in order to be eligible for an award.

Further, FPWA does not make grants directly to individuals. FPWA works with its member agency partners and other reputable community-based organizations to direct support to families and individuals in our community.

If you or someone you know has been contacted by someone posing to be an “FPWA Agent” or staff person requesting money to release a grant, please do the following:

  • Cease communications with the individual contacting you claiming to be an “FPWA Agent” and do not provide any further personal information to them;
  • You or the affected individual should file a police report in the local jurisdiction of attempted fraud with the information you have available from them – a phone number, a Facebook messenger profile, etc. It is likely they have compromised a friend or family members Facebook account to make it seem like a qualified referral;
  • You or the affected individual should pass all information to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) (www.ic3.gov); and,
  • You or the affected individual should file a complaint with the Federation Trade Commission online, or call toll-free 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357); TTY: 1-866-653-4261.
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FPWA Grant Program Scam: Beware