Be alert about phone scams using Singtel’s name with callers who claim to be Singtel technicians or customer care officers. Callers may claim that there are issues or viruses with your router or computer. They may then ask for personal details such as NRIC numbers, WiFi passwords, router numbers, bank account numbers, credit card details, and one-ti-me passwords (OTP). Should you encounter such an incident, please hang up immediately.
If you suspect that you have fallen prey, you should:
- Turn off your computer to halt further activities on your computer
- Report the incident to your bank to stop further activities on your bank accounts
- Change your iBanking credentials and remove any unauthorised payee added to your bank accounts
- Report the matter to the police
Singtel technicians or customer care officers will never ask for passwords, router numbers, bank accounts, credit card details, and one-time passwords (OTP) during troubleshooting calls.
How to protect yourself
Stay safe from phone scams
- Do not assume the caller is who they say they are
- Do not confirm or give out your personal details
- Do not share details such as bank accounts or OTP
- Do not give remote access to your computer
- Do not install any software when asked
- Share this information with your loved ones at home, especially the elderly
To seek scam-related advice, you can call the National Crime Prevention Council’s anti-scam helpline at 1800-722-6688 or visit
For more information, please refer to the Singapore Police Force advisory here.