Is Ationfon a Scam? See the Review of the Online Store

Is Ationfon a Scam? See the Review of the Online Store

Ationfon Club located at is a fake online store claiming to sell kid's essentials, lighting, room decor, and stationery. Online shoppers run the risk of receiving counterfeit goods or nothing at all from the same store. Unsatisfied online users who have shopped on the untrustworthy website are asked to contact their bank or financial institution to have their transactions canceled and money refunded.

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About Ationfon Club

Ationfon located at


Address: 1926 South 67th Street, Suite 250, Omaha, Nebraska 68106

Telephone: +12563695004


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Jul. 5, 2020 at 8:45 AM by
Is Ationfon a Scam? See the Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Valparaiso, Indiana, United States

Same exact thing here, Paypal needs to shut them down.


Jul. 2, 2020 at 5:01 AM by
Is Ationfon a Scam? See the Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Sarasota, Florida, United States

I ordered a generator transfer switch from them and received 5 N95 nasks from Chima also


Aug. 2, 2020 at 1:00 PM by
Is Ationfon a Scam? See the Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Aberdeen, Washington, United States

I ordered the same, and received the same face masks 3 1/2 months needs to remove them. Wire and mail fraud


Jul. 2, 2020 at 12:24 PM by
Is Ationfon a Scam? See the Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Spirit Lake, Iowa, United States

report it with a dispute to your card issuer and report it to and let's get this scammer shut down, too many of their web site items are in google search now and just the pages come up to order, so you dont really see the entire site in order to wonder why a site that mostly shows clothing and kid stuff has things like electrical cable, breaker boxes and generator switches.


Jul. 1, 2020 at 9:39 PM by
Is Ationfon a Scam? See the Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Spirit Lake, Iowa, United States

This outfit is definitely a scammer, I ordered a 250 foot roll of copper and steel electrical cable from what I THOUGHT was a US based web site, it turned out my order was actually coming from CHINA, after waiting all this time a shipment arrived the other day, but they shipped five N95 face masks in an unsealed ziplock baggie in an "epacket"

his was what I actually ordered; cable&description=true

This is the address for the website store I purchased this from, I had no idea my order was coming directly from china and that it would take WEEKS when I needed this wire ASAP and went by the near to me NEBRASKA location,

Email Address 1926 South 67th Street, Suite 250, Omaha, Nebraska 68106

their web site shows an email addres but hovering over it shows this instead;

their support page also says this which indicates they are in Nebraska; Our details 7.1 This website is owned and operated by (ationfon). 7.2 Our principal place of business is at 1926 South 67th Street, Suite 250, Omaha, Nebraska 68106

I responded to a partial refund offer of $41 with a NO, I will not accept a partial refund, I waited FIVE WEEKS for electrical cable I thought was coming from Omaha Nebraska and would be here in 2-3 days to use on a project I needed to finish, instead I had to buy another roll elsewhere since I had no idea the wire was actually coming directly from CHINA, as it turned out it took FIVE WEEKS to get a shipment, and then if that wasn't bad enough it was COMPLETELY the WRONG ITEM! What am I supposed to do with a packet of N95 face masks? they sent me the WRONG item and I waited five weeks, sorry but they cant seriously expect me to pay for their own error! The Transaction amount was $51.86 USD and that is what I reasonably expect to be refunded, I'm not paying for something I never ordered or wanted, least of all a medical/health related product that arrived in an unsealed ziplock baggie!

They then offer a refund of what I paid but they demanded I mail it back to China at MY expense, and the USPS approx cost to do that is about $16. Aside from all this, do these people REALLY expect return of MEDICAL/health products that came in an unsealed baggie and now could be contaminated, to resell them to someone else? UGH! you seriously never know what you might get from china like N95 masks that have been shipped out and returned who know where, who touched them, how or where they were made.

I was getting fedup with Paypal and among other messages in cluded this;

They are expecting me to pay over $16 to return 5 paper N95 masks- an item I never ordered, that they sent by mistake. Either they send a full refund and postpaid label if they want this returned, or I'll escalate this to my visa card for them to take action, Ive already proven with documents this seller is a FRAUD with many complaints for doing exactly what happened to me- switching a purchased item to face masks or nothing shipped.

I filed a legal internationalmail-order fraud complaint with the US Postal Service against this seller, attached is a copy of my complaint

Then "Cindy" at Paypal said;

I am so sorry that this happened to you.

I can help you with this. This is a common scheme that the fraudsters are doing. I need you to do these 3 things: 1. Please take a picture of the envelope the item came in. Make sure we can see the tracking number and the weight of the package.

2. Go to and file a report with them.

3. upload these two documents to this message and we will get it added to the case and get the case closed in your favor.

The label you submitted already is unreadable, please upload a new one. Just the label is perfect.

After I did that, and sent the documents, I got THIS;


2:49 PM

I am sorry you are having issues with this purchase. I have the information you have provided to the case. The seller is requesting you return the item before they will issue a full refund. Below is information on PayPal return shipping program:

To enroll in Return Shipping on Us, please visit:

I really got few up with them and sent paypal this;

Rodger I filed a FRAUD complaint with the the post office and the sit are you seriously telling me I have to mail back 5 disgusting paper N95 face masks that arrived in an open ziplock bagies at a cost of about $16 for postage for THEIR fraud? They WILL claim I opened the package and its not in the same condition it was and then refuse to refund what they stole from me plus $16 for postage

This was clearly FRAUD and nobody should be paying shipping to return this

This is certainly NOT at all convienient for me to drive to the post office on my lunch hour to deal with this d**n idiot in china, I am about 15 seconds away from CLOSING my paypal account over this!

Cindy indicated above ALL I had to do was provide the documents she asked for, and Paypal would close the case and side with me, now you adding the demand to ship items back? Here are two photos of what I received from this seller, 5 disgusting N95 face masks in an open, unsecured ziplock baggie from CHINA, and they want THIS mailed back at my expense which the post office indicates will run about $16, and then they'll sell them to someone else, really? I dont even want to touch this shipment due to possible covid19 contamination and not even knowing where the seller obtained these masks FROM, or who handled them before . Since the ziplock bag arrived open, they would claim it was not open and refuse to refund my money anyway, this is a scam others have reported and I'm not playing their bait and switch game. I am going to discard this possibly contaminated medical waste and file a dispute with my visa card if paypal is not going to issue a full refund for the amount I paid. I will also then close my Paypal account as it would be obvious to me that Paypal sides with scammers who bait and switch and commit fraud on people, I will not spend part of my busy lunch hour driving to the post office to stand in line and mail this stuff back to China on my money and then wait weeks for them to respond. I already uploaded documents proving I filed an internet fraud complaint with the FBI/US Govt, and one with the US Postal inspector, I will not deal with an obvious scammer who now has my name, email address and home address to possibly steal or use. Let me know what Paypal's decision on this is ASAP.

They then responded with this and a FULL refund;


7:20 PM

Hello and I am truly sorry the seller sent you the wrong item and I was able to review the claim.

I have closed this claim and refunded the transaction back to the card ending in 20. The credit will take 24-48 hours to appear on your card and I have also sent you a email with all the claim closure details.

Again I am truly sorry for the inconvenience this transaction has caused and the claim is closed and the refund complete.

Thanks for being a long term customer and please let us know if there is anything else we can assist you with.


Jun. 23, 2020 at 11:36 PM by
Is Ationfon a Scam? See the Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Corvallis, Oregon, United States

same thing just happened to me.


Jun. 22, 2020 at 2:08 PM by
Is Ationfon a Scam? See the Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Lemoore, California, United States

I ordered romex wiring and received n95 masks. Is this not also mail fraud? this after my package was lost in the mail with the address 1 number off. it was found by USPS and delivered. I had back an forth text with them at these two addresses and I'm sad to say it but I got scammed.


Jul. 2, 2020 at 12:21 PM by
Is Ationfon a Scam? See the Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Spirit Lake, Iowa, United States

File a claim with your card, PayPal was a real pain, but Visa generally is good and will usually side with you- THEIR customer.


Jun. 29, 2020 at 4:31 PM by
Is Ationfon a Scam? See the Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Greenville, South Carolina, United States

I ordered a 30/50 amp RV panel box and I got mask as well. Trying to get money back via paypal, but no such luck as of yet.


Jul. 3, 2020 at 12:17 PM by
Is Ationfon a Scam? See the Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Spirit Lake, Iowa, United States

I went around and around with paypal over this, it wasnt until I sent them screen shots and more showing similar fauds by this Ationfon site AND threatened to close my Paypal acct Ive had since 2002 that they finally gave me a full refund and I didnt have to ship opened face masks back to China


Jun. 14, 2020 at 7:01 PM by
Is Ationfon a Scam? See the Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Lake Havasu City, Arizona, United States

I ordered 10/3 romex wire 1,000 ft for $56.19 on May 8, 2020 and received a pair of underware… I think I got scammed... I will be contacting my bank and hope I will get my money back...I knew the price was to good to be true...


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Is Ationfon a Scam? See the Review of the Online Store