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Woolwoṛths Scam on Facebook: Receive $200 Coupon

Facebook users who see the fake Woolworths post below, which claims Woolworths will give everyone a $200 coupon if they share it are asked not to follow the instructions. The fake post is a scam created by scammers who are posing as Woolworths to trick potential victims into visiting spam and malicious survey websites. The spam websites will attempt to trick visitors into paying for unwanted services or steal their personal information.


The Woolwoṛths $200 Coupon Scam


Woolwoṛths has declared thát everyone who shạres thıs lınk will receive $200 coupon! TODAY ONLY.


Be careful. This could be a scam.



The link in the fake post goes to the following website.

The Fake Woolwoṛths Website

On the fake website, visitors will be asked to share the scam, visit spam and malicious survey websites.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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