Sheng Siong Scam: Fake SMS Notifications

Sheng Siong Scam  Fake SMS Notifications

There are fake SMS notifications informing the public they are winners. Please do not follow the instructions in the fake SMS because you will be directed to websites where you will be asked to sign up for unwanted monthly subscription services that will charge your credit card. Sheng Siong does not send out SMS notifications to their customers and lucky draw winners will never be asked for their credit card information or asked to fill out personal information via any links.

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Please do not divulge your credit card details and/or transfer any payments when you encounter suspicious messages, and avoid circulating the scam link.

A Sheng Siong Scam

Sheng Siong Scam

You are advised to only trust information shared on our official Sheng Siong Supermarket Facebook page at:

When in doubt, please contact Sheng Siong's Customer Service Team at 6895 1888 during office hours, or drop them a PM on their Facebook page for clarifications.

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Sheng Siong Scam: Fake SMS Notifications