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Svieducation Scam: Bitcoin Email Sextortion

If you have received sextortion emails from a email address, please do not pay the ransom, just ignore the emails, because they are 100% fake. Password scam and extortion emails like the one below are being used to steal money. The extortion scams, call sextortion, are being used by online scammers who are attempting to frighten and trick their potential victims into sending them money via Bitcoin. But, do not send the thieves or tricksters your money because the same scammers have not infected your device with a Trojan horse virus, and do not have video clips or recordings of you watching porn from adult websites.


A Fake Sextortion Scam

"have got the entire recording. In the case you feel I am messing around, just reply proof and I will be forwarding the particular recording randomly to 7 people you recognize. It could be your friends, co workers, boss, parents (I don't know! My system will randomly pick the contact details). 1ErusBMWRpnRqW83Vx4*ziZiiZKfCcuyKjG [case SENSITIVE so copy & paste it, and remove * from it] (If you don't know how, look online how to acquire bitcoin.

Do not waste my important time) If you send this 'donation' (let us call this that?). Immediately after that, I will go away for good and never ever contact you again. I will remove everything I've got in relation to you. You may very well keep on living your ordinary day to day life with no stress. You have got 24 hours in order to do so. Your time begins as quickly you read this mail. I have an unique program code that will alert me once you see this email therefore do not try to act smart."

The cybercriminals may have your old password, but it doesn't mean that they have anything on you. It appears they may have gotten your password from the Yahoo or other internet hacks or data breaches that took place a few months or years ago. Yahoo and the companies who suffered the data breach have forced their users to change their passwords, so they should have nothing to worry about.

Email Addresses used by Scammers

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