Scam Ne Demek - What Does Scam Mean?

Scam Ne Demek - What Does Scam Mean?

A scam is a fraudulent, deceptive scheme or trick used to cheat someone out of something, especially money. It can also be considered as a sneaky or dishonest plan that's meant to con someone.

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Types of scams

  • Current COVID-19 (coronavirus) scams

    Scammers are using the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) to take advantage of people. The scammers attempt to gain your personal information by using all kinds of sneaky approaches to steal your personal details. Once obtained, they can use your identity to commit fraudulent activities such as using your credit card or opening a bank account.

  • Buying or selling

    Scammers prey on consumers and businesses that are buying or selling products and services. Not every transaction is legitimate.

  • Dating & romance

    Scammers take advantage of people looking for romantic partners, often via dating websites, apps or social media by pretending to be prospective companions. They play on emotional triggers to get you to provide money, gifts or personal details.

  • Fake charities

    Scammers impersonate genuine charities and ask for donations or contact you claiming to collect money after natural disasters or major events.

  • Investments

    If you are looking for a fast way to make money, watch out – scammers have invented all sorts of fake money-making opportunities to prey on your enthusiasm and get hold of your cash.

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Scam Ne Demek - What Does Scam Mean?