is a legitimate government website. If you go to the website you will be asked to go to, which is a legit U.S. Census Bureau website. At the website, you can find information about completing your 2020 Census Form. It important that you go to the legitimate census website because the United States Census, which only happens every 10 years, is a big opportunity for scammers to steal personal and other sensitive information. Scammers will take advantage of this massive data gathering by attempting to trick people into sending them their personal and other sensitive information by creating fake censuses. Therefore, people are asked to be careful and are advised that the legitimate census will ask for details like your phone number, how many people are in your home, and whether you own or rent your home, and not banking or other sensitive information.
The 2020 Census will never ask for your Social Security number, bank account, credit card number, or donations. It will not ask about citizenship status. If someone comes to your door saying they're getting additional information for the census, ask to see their ID badge identifying them as a Census Bureau worker.
The My2020 Census Questions
- How many people were living or staying in this house, apartment, or mobile home on April 1, 2020?
Here, you'll count everyone living and sleeping in your home most of the time, including young children, roommates, and friends and family members who are living with you, even temporarily.
- Were there any additional people staying here on April 1, 2020, that you did not include in Question 1?
Mark all that apply: Children, related or unrelated, such as newborn babies, grandchildren, or foster children; relatives, such as adult children, cousins, or in-laws; nonrelatives, such as roommates or live-in babysitters, and people staying here temporarily.
- Is this house, apartment, or mobile home ...
..Owned by you or someone in this household with a mortgage or loan? Include home equity loans. Is it owned by you or someone in this household free and clear (without a mortgage or loan)? Rented? Occupied without payment of rent? See more about answering this question ....
- What is your telephone number?
- What is Person 1's name?
If there is someone living here who pays the rent or owns the residence, start by listing him or her as Person 1. If the owner or the person who pays the rent does not live here, start by listing any adult living there as Person 1. There will be opportunities to list the names of additional members of your household. See more about answering this question ....
- What is Person 1's sex?
Mark ONE box: male or female.
- What is Person 1's age and what is Person 1's date of birth?
Note Person 1's age as of April 1, 2020. For babies less than 1 year old, do not write the age in months. Write 0 as the age.
- Is Person 1 of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
NOTE: Please answer both Question 8 about Hispanic origin and Question 9 about race. For this census, Hispanic origins are not races. Hispanic origin can be viewed as the heritage, nationality, lineage, or country of birth of the person or the person’s parents or ancestors before arriving in the United States. People who identify as Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish may be any race.
- What is Person 1's race?
Mark one or more boxes AND print origins: White; Black or African American; American Indian or Alaska Native; Chinese; Filipino; Asian Indian; Vietnamese; Korean; Japanese; other Asian; Native Hawaiian; Samoan; Chamorro; other Pacific Islander; some other race. See more about answering this question ....
- Print name of Person 2.
Here, you will list the next person in your household.
- Does this person usually live or stay somewhere else?
Mark all that apply: no; yes, for college; yes, for a military assignment; yes, for a job or business; yes, in a nursing home; yes, with a parent or other relative; yes, at a seasonal or second residence; yes, in a jail or prison; yes, for another reason.
- How is this person related to Person 1?
Mark ONE box; opposite-sex husband/wife/spouse; opposite-sex unmarried partner; same-sex husband/wife/spouse; same-sex unmarried partner; biological son or daughter; adopted son or daughter; stepson or stepdaughter; brother or sister; father or mother; grandchild; parent-in-law; son-in-law or daughter-in-law; other relative; roommate or housemate; foster child; other nonrelative. See more about answering this question ...
Questions were taken from the following link: