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Timmons Legal Services Arrest Warrant and Lawsuit Scam

Online users who have received fake "Timmons Legal Services Warrant and Lawsuit" emails like the one below, which claim that they have been given a chance to settle a Check City debt outside of court, should delete the email messages and not follow the instructions in them. This is because the email messages are fraudulent, and are being sent by scammers to trick the recipients into sending them money believing that they will be sued for money owed and their credit history tarnished.


The "Timmons Legal Services Arrest Warrant and Lawsuit" Scam

From: Timmons Legal Services -

Date: April 7, 2020 at 11:42:01 AM CDT


Subject: Lawsuit Notice


Date: April 7th, 2020

Name xxxxcc

Address: xxxxxx

SSN: xxxxxx

Date of Birth: xxxxxx

Driver License # xxxxxx

Claimant: Cash Advance


Plaintiff has given you more than ample time and notices regarding your long overdue balance of $ 1,868.16 for the settlement of the legal matter outside the courthouse. Numerous attempts to resolve your long overdue account have been unsuccessful. As you know, your overdue balance now equals $ 1,868.16 (which includes interest on the overdue account). Interest will continue to accrue on this past due account.

You are requested to appear in the court to defend the action of which particulars appeared earlier and now. If you do not appear and defend the proceedings, there is no hearing so it is highly likely judgment may be given in your absence.

If the court rules in favor of the Plaintiff/ creditor (Timmons Legal Services), you have to pay up when the order tells you to. If you don’t pay up as ordered, the Plaintiff may then take steps to collect on the judgment under Enforcement Action.

As per the enforcement action, your Plaintiff has some other options to make you pay -

1. Garnishment from your wages to pay the debt under an attachment of earnings order.

2. Take the money that you are owed by someone else from your bank account. It is called a third-party debt law.

3. The Plaintiff can take steps to receive the money it is owed by asking for a lien on an un-exempted real estate owned by the debtor, the sale of the debtor’s property secure the debt against your home or other assets you own. It is called a charging order and means that you could lose your home if you don't keep up the repayments.

After a judgment, you may be summoned to answer questions about your finances. Fail to meet the summons it is remotely possible that you will be picked up by police for disobeying a court order.

Enforcement mechanisms

The following are the main ways of enforcing judgments:

1. Execution against goods (order from the court which directs the Sheriff or County Registrar to seize your goods and sell them to raise the amount of money which you owe plus costs.).

2. Installment orders, followed (if necessary) by committal orders.

3. Earnings Attachment.

4. Judgment mortgage.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that in most states, judgments are good for ten years, so if the Plaintiff has a judgment against you, any property you acquire within ten years of the judgment could be seized, as long as the loan has not been paid.

Even though a payday lender can sue you civilly to collect the balance of the loan, failing to pay a payday loan is not a crime while some collectors threaten borrowers with criminal action, you cannot be sent to jail unless you intentionally took out the loan not planning to pay it back as a fraud.

It will be your final opportunity to resolve this matter on your overdue balance account within five working days without the expenses of court proceedings.

You will stop this going to court if, before the date given above, you pay the sum of $ 1,868.16 being: -

The amount claimed, interest and the court rate up to the specified date, fixed costs and Stamp duty is included for $ 1,868.16.

Under section 88 of the National Credit Code, I have briefed you up with the affidavit and done my part; now the best is up to you.


Legislation Department

Timmons Legal Services

*** If you have any doubts about the credibility of this email please refer to the Terms and conditions under the breach of the contract via the online application filled up by you. ***

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