Simcash or Sim Cash located at is an untrustworthy website asking online users to share their SIMs and switch their mobile phones for a free income source. The untrustworthy website asks online users to do this by downloading an untrustworthy Android app from an unknown source, which can be dangerous. It is recommended that Android apps be downloaded from the Google Play Store. This is because Google can vet the apps and ensure that they are not malicious and are safe for download.
About Simcash at claims people can make profits with their unused SMS, but it doesn't tell you exactly how the process works. All it does is tell you to signup and make money, which can be sent to you in Bitcoins, US dollars or Euros. But, if they use the SMS maliciously or fraudulently, the owners of the SIMs used will be fully responsible, because owners naively gave consent to an untrustworthy app they downloaded from an unnkown source.
Remember, your cellphone is used by your banks, service providers and other institutions to verify who you are. So, giving an untrustworthy app access to your phone can put at risk. A malicious app can steal your personal information and account credentials by monitoring your text messages, contacts, other apps and send the information to cybercriminals, where they can use use the stolen information fraudulently.