Just Answer is not a scam. JustAnswer is an online question and answer forum that allows users to speak to professionals like doctors, lawyers, vets, mechanics, etc. Users can ask questions and get answers 24/7 because JustAnswer partners with experts in multiple fields to answer users' questions.
- Free 7-day trial
- 150+ categories
- Get an answer in as few as 6 minutes
- $5 base fee to ask a question
What do JustAnswer members receive?
JustAnswer members have access to:
- Free questions and answers
- 24/7 access to experts
- Exclusive members-only app for iPhone and Android
- Two free phone calls with experts (iOS only)
- The Library of Experts
- Because JustAnswer is a public forum, all questions are posted on the website’s dashboard and can be accessed by anyone. However, JustAnswer does allow its users to remain anonymous and guarantees the protection of user privacy.
JustAnswer categories
JustAnswer has experts in more than 150 categories, including:
- Medical advice
- Legal advice
- Car repairs and maintenance
- Veterinary services
- Home improvement
- Computer and technology service
- Consumer electronics
- Tax questions
- Relationships
- Finance
How much does JustAnswer cost?
JustAnswer charges users a $5 base price to post a question. Any additional charges you incur show up on the page where you enter your payment information. You can review your fees and payments by logging into your JustAnswer account and clicking on “Order History.”