FreeFileFillableForms Scam: Economic Impact and Stimulus Payment Identity Thieves

FreeFileFillableForms Scam  Economic Impact and Stimulus Payment Identity Thieves

The U.S. federal government is now in the process of sending Economic Impact Payments or COVID-19 stimulus payments by direct deposit to millions of Americans who aren’t required to file a tax return, but who are still eligible to receive the $1,200 stimulus payment. The IRS' website at is being used to collect banking account information from these Americans. But, identity thieves can use stolen personally identifiable information to file for victims' Economic Impact Payments and have the stimulus payments sent to their bank accounts, instead of to the needy Americans who are mostly low-income workers, certain veterans, and individuals with disabilities. This scam would be something similar to tax refund scam, which is the #1 fraud faced by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.

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The FreeFileFillableForms Website

The possibility that fraudsters may intercept payments to these individuals seems very real, given the relatively lax identification requirements of this non-filer portal and the high incidence of tax refund fraud in years past. Each year, scam artists file phony tax refund requests on millions of Americans, regardless of whether or not the impersonated taxpayer is actually due a refund. In most cases, the victim only finds out when he or she goes to file their taxes and has the return rejected because it has already been filed by scammers.

In this case, fraudsters would simply need to identify the personal information for a pool of Americans who don’t normally file tax returns, which may well include a large number of people who are disabled, poor or simply do not have easy access to a computer or the Internet. Armed with this information, the scammers need only provide the target’s name, address, date of birth and Social Security number, and then supply their own bank account information to send the $1,200 payments to it.

According to a 2013 report, the Internal Revenue Service(IRS) continues to increase its efforts to identify and prevent fraudulent tax refunds from being issued as a result of identity theft. The report mentions that during 2012, the IRS prevented the issuance of $20 billion of fraudulent refunds, including $8 billion related to identity theft, compared with $14 billion in 2011. The IRS says it stopped more than $12 billion in fraudulent refunds from going to identity thieves in 2013. Hopefully, the IRS’ efforts will result in even better future results, which will help prevent thieves from stealing money from needy Americans in this Coronavirus COVID-19 global pandemic.

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Jul. 29, 2020 at 8:16 PM by
FreeFileFillableForms Scam: Economic Impact and Stimulus Payment Identity Thieves
an anonymous user from: Chicago, Illinois, United States

You are a scam site and I am going to report you to IRS.


Jul. 9, 2020 at 7:43 AM by
FreeFileFillableForms Scam: Economic Impact and Stimulus Payment Identity Thieves
an anonymous user from: Tacoma, Washington, United States

I never got my stimulus check. how do I use your page to do this.


Jul. 9, 2020 at 7:47 AM by
FreeFileFillableForms Scam: Economic Impact and Stimulus Payment Identity Thieves

Go to the following website:


May. 3, 2020 at 11:59 AM by
FreeFileFillableForms Scam: Economic Impact and Stimulus Payment Identity Thieves
an anonymous user from: South El Monte, California, United States

now wait a minute! I truly am not understanding. I was on the IRS site, the official site. IRS states people on SSI,SSDI,VA benefits don't need to do anything because they get direct deposit and the payments will automatically.

They have a link for people who need to file their TAX return in order to receive the stimulus check and then they have a link for people who don't need to file the TAX return are receiving SSI,SSDI or VA but they are married filing jointly then you need to file for the money in order for the payment to go in and the deadline is may 5.

The IRS provides a link which takes you to "freefilefillableforms" and if you don't click it under the link the is a WHAT TO EXPECT. in there they tell you what will be required when on that site with a bullet points to not get lost. there is a small paragraph under the list of requirements where they state the free file fillable forms is a TRUSTED PARTNER of IRS. that they will fill out the 1040 form for you and turn it in to the IRS for you and send you the payment

How is it possible that the file site link and they say they are a trusted partner if this site is a scam and they are identity thieves? where did you get this information? was this done to you? did someone personally tell you who was a victim and did you do your due diligence to confirm this 100%? or is this a rumor you are perpetuating without checking because you needed to put out a juicy story and really the person telling you the info is upset because when they filled out a form they gave them a response saying they had a problem and told them how to fix it but the person couldn't fix it because he wound up not qualifying? because after the IRS states they are a trusted partner it states after submition of the form they either acknowledge it was a success or like I said they tell you the problem and how to fix it?

I don't know about this article. I was properly scammed before and I subbmitted what happened in a report on the site rip off report. that site for most part the claims were true but then there were butthurt people tjhat didn't like a company and to soil their name they could file a eport and the site p**a every complaint. the site does no checking nor do they take down a report even if people write in telling them. they state they are not responsible that this site is not official and there is no action taken by anyone its simply an information site for consumers and everyone needs and should do their own due diligence

so who and what are you butthurt, gossiper or I don't know because I feel irs does rape us but its the law so are you trying to say they are scaammers for being hooked up with the irs?


Apr. 26, 2020 at 4:05 PM by
FreeFileFillableForms Scam: Economic Impact and Stimulus Payment Identity Thieves
an anonymous user from: Toms River, New Jersey, United States

I hope I didnt get scammed and that's my ssdI check goes into that account also?


Apr. 25, 2020 at 9:34 AM by
FreeFileFillableForms Scam: Economic Impact and Stimulus Payment Identity Thieves
an anonymous user from: Vallejo, California, United States

how do I file if the freefilefillableforms site is no good?


Apr. 26, 2020 at 4:02 PM by
FreeFileFillableForms Scam: Economic Impact and Stimulus Payment Identity Thieves
an anonymous user from: Toms River, New Jersey, United States

I am on disibility and I tried to find when money will go in my bank account. I bank online eraly direct deposit so alot people got there checks but I mader hardly any money and haven't done taxes in 9 to 10 years. I hope I didnt get scammed.


Apr. 22, 2020 at 9:46 AM by
FreeFileFillableForms Scam: Economic Impact and Stimulus Payment Identity Thieves
an anonymous user from: Horseheads, New York, United States

not received economic covid check, feel it has been stolen


Apr. 26, 2020 at 4:04 PM by
FreeFileFillableForms Scam: Economic Impact and Stimulus Payment Identity Thieves
an anonymous user from: Toms River, New Jersey, United States

I think but I used non filer 2 weeks ago I didnt it was for dependents only so I put my info for my moms that single and best friend, she is single. they have direct expess cards I have an online bank account?


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FreeFileFillableForms Scam: Economic Impact and Stimulus Payment Identity Thieves