Is Advanced Computer Scan a Scam?

Is Advanced Computer Scan a Scam?

I keep getting "Advanced Computer Scan" spam emails like the one below that contain links that go to The emails claim there is a new "Advanced Computer Scan 2020 Update," but I have never registered with that company. And, clicking on the links in the emails goes to a website that claims their office is located in London, United Kingdom, but it does not state specifically where in London. I tried contacting them at their contact telephone number 855-2550-420, but I am not able to get anyone.

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The "Advanced Computer Scan" Spam Email

From: Advanced Computer Scan -

Date: Sat, 29 Feb 2020 at 02:49

Subject: Advanced Computer Scan 2020 update

Advanced Computer Scan

The new, improved Advanced Computer Scan 2020 is available.

We have simplified how you administer your Computer Account. We ask all our customers to update to the latest version available here. Special Discount Release.

Advanced Computer Scan will continue to improve the computer account management experience so that you can easily improve your experience. This new version will be available at a special price for a limited time period.

Checkout this new and improved experience.

The Website

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Jul. 27, 2021 at 3:31 AM by an anonymous user from: Newtown, Wales, United Kingdom

received an email from advanced-scan saying my subscription expires in seven days. I have no such app


Jul. 27, 2021 at 6:41 PM by an anonymous user from: Davidson, Thomasville, North Carolina, United States

Same here and I've never had this program


Jul. 25, 2021 at 2:01 PM by an anonymous user from: Downtown Redmond, Redmond, Washington, United States

They're still at it! They got my e-mail address from somebody I had done business with and are now telling me I need to renew my subscription before I lose all my (unspecified) benefits. It even has a (probably fake) link at the bottom to "Report as Spam".


Jan. 7, 2021 at 10:11 AM by an anonymous user from: Sowton Industrial Estate, Exeter, England, United Kingdom

Talk about a scam, I have never got it to work, although I paid for the program.

my problem is I cannot contact the firm or delete/uninstall the program. Can anyone help please



Jun. 17, 2020 at 9:16 PM by an anonymous user from: Everett, Washington, United States

It is a scam do not open or download


May. 5, 2020 at 5:00 AM by an anonymous user from: Montgomery, Texas, United States

I do not trust unsolicited emails that say I am an existing customer, when I am not. Unsubscribed, for whatever good that will do.


Apr. 6, 2020 at 8:52 AM by info

"From: Advanced Computer Scan <>

Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2020 at 02:49

Subject: Advanced Computer Scan 2020 update

The new, improved Advanced Computer Scan 2020 is available.

We have simplified how you administer your Computer Account. We ask all our customers to update to the latest version available here. Special Discount Release.

Advanced Computer Scan will continue to improve the computer account management experience so that you can easily improve your experience. This new version will be available at a special price for a limited time period.

Checkout this new and improved experience."

Received via email.


Mar. 4, 2020 at 7:41 AM by info

It appears to be a scam because was registered 18 days ago and was registered only 12 days.


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Is Advanced Computer Scan a Scam?