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Is Amarktflow a Scam? Review of the Survey and Gift Card Website

Amarktflow at is a fake advertisement or a survey scam that obtain users' personal information by claiming victims have won coupons or gift cards. Advertisements related to this scam are typically used to catch users' attention by offering various gift cards from Starbucks, Amazon, Chipotle, Nike, Walmart or Apple. And, these deceptive campaigns have been actively spread via fake ads on search engines, social media platforms, and even spam.


This gift card scam may deliver various messages using the following slogans:

Samples of Gift Card Scam

More gullible users are tricked into thinking that if they answer a few questions or solve a puzzle, they will win a prize, and when asked, the users provide personal information, but they are only providing their information to scammers.

To get rid othe Amarktflow adware or virus use a legitmate anti-spyware software like the following:

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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