Fake WHO Coronavirus Awareness Emails and Scam

Fake WHO Coronavirus Awareness Emails and Scam

Cybercriminals are taking advantage of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic by sending out fake awareness emails like the one below. The fake emails ask recipients to click on a link that goes a fake or cloned WHO (World Health Organization) website. On the fake website, visitors will be asked to enter their email account credentials. But, if they do, their email account credentials will be sent to the cybercriminals behind the fake emails.

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A Fake "WHO Coronavirus Awareness" Email

WHO Corona virus Awareness

Wed 2/5/2020 8:52 AM

From: medicasupport@who.com

Dear Sir,

Go through the attached document on safety measures regarding the spreading of corona virus.

Click on the button below to download

Safety measures

Symptoms common symptoms include fever,coughcshortness of breath and breathing difficulties.


Dr. ##UNAME##

Specialist wuhan-virus-advisory

Althought the fake email appears as if it came from WHO, it was actually spoofed and sent from another email address being used by the cybercriminals. And, the link in the fake email goes to the following fake WHO website created by the cybercriminals:

Fake WHO World Health Organization Website

Once the cybercriminals have received the stolen credentials, they will use it to gain access to their potential victims' accounts, hijack and use them fraudulently. Therefore, online users who have been tricked by the fake WHO email are asked to change their account passwords before their accounts are hijacked.

It is recommended that online users go directly to The World Health Organization's website at https://www.who.int/ for information about the Novel Coronavirus(2019-nCoV), instead of clicking on a link in an email, which may be a link to a phishing website that steals personal information and account credentials.

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Mar. 25, 2020 at 3:49 PM by
Fake WHO Coronavirus Awareness Emails and Scam

Received this scam

"From: Pandemic Survival <2Q2U7J12.2Q2U7J12@1vxpfb6i.us>

Date: March 23, 2020 at 10:41:27 PM PDT

Subject: Corona is not “controllable”

If you’re counting on your government to shield you from the deadly coronavirus, I have a message for you...

Don’t be silly.

They wouldn’t know how even if they tried.

Leaked private meetings between U.S. health officials tell us... they are in a panic.

Not only do they not know what to do...

They’re not really sure how many people are infected.

Reports from the United States range from 35 to 105.

They are at a loss.

But you don’t have to be.

There is 1 thing you can do...right now...to save yourself.

You have to see this => Click Here

1 thing to protect yourself from the deadly coronavirus. And I don’t mean masks (they can’t protect you if a droplet gets in your eyes).

Smallpox killed 300 million people and had a LOWER mortality rate than coronavirus.

That’s the entire population of the United States and the coronavirus is playing out a very similar pattern.

Do you realize that once one of your family members gets it you won’t be able to take care of them or even see them.

Because they could spread it to you.

Imagine not being able to hold or even touch your sick child.

Don’t let it happen to you => Click Here

P.S. That video is making WAVES on the internet. No offense, but you’re probably the last person to see it."


Mar. 23, 2020 at 2:03 PM by
Fake WHO Coronavirus Awareness Emails and Scam


Mon 3/23/2020 12:20 AM

From: WHO - noreply@who.intt

Dear info,

Go through the attached document on safety measures regarding the spreading of CoronaVirus. Then fill the form as your company has been selected will be mobilized for the project to combat the Virus known as Covid-19.

Click on the button below to download.

Feel free to contact the regional director who will give you guidelines on the procedures below


Dr. Jona Abba


Specialist wuhan-virus-advisory"

Here is another scam.


Mar. 22, 2020 at 10:29 PM by
Fake WHO Coronavirus Awareness Emails and Scam

There are hundreds of Corona scams being sent out by scammers, so ensure that you get your information from legitimate sources or news websites.


Mar. 20, 2020 at 4:45 PM by
Fake WHO Coronavirus Awareness Emails and Scam

"From: Pandemic <noreplydeborahsusannah@1kbjx.daciausa.xyz>

Date: Fri, Mar 20, 2020 at 1:27 PM

Subject: Corona is not “controllable”

To: TOP MUSIC 2020 <music-de-route-6492@pages.plusgoogle.com>

When you hear about coronavirus what?s the one word that comes to mind?

For most people it?s:?helpless?.

There is no vaccine for Coronavirus.

Masks don?t protect your eyes.

And the U.S. government, like the Chinese government, isn?t telling us the truth about how many are infected.

They don?t want to cause a?panic?.

Well I don?t want you to feel?helpless? anymore.

There are things you can do to practically ELIMINATE the chance of you or your family getting the deadly Coronavirus?

This quiz will determine if you are prepared or not.

Life saving information =>

P.S. Whether you click that link could decide if you survive this very new kind of epidemic. Just thought you should know.



Received this scam.


Mar. 19, 2020 at 10:20 AM by
Fake WHO Coronavirus Awareness Emails and Scam

"From: survivecoronavirus org deal <6K3P1XUJP.6K3P1XUJP@6k3p1xujp.us>

Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 at 06:35

Subject: Corona is not “controllable”

CoronaVirus Pandemic Survival Guide

Officials have confirmed that corona is spreading at an “exponential rate.”

Funny thing about stuff that is exponential.

Ever hear of the fact that if you could keep folding a paper over itself 56

times it’ll be thick enough to reach the sun?

It’s true.

The same is true of this coronavirus.

If 2 infect 4 which infect 8 which infect 16 you’ll quickly be at millions... and it’ll only take about 12 steps to get there...

Who’s going to come in to “handle” a million-person wide outbreak?

You guessed it.

The National Guard.

Well you’re lucky.

Because a National Guardsmen just broke rank with his organization and

"shared the truth about coronavirus and what you can do about it.

His life is actually in danger for sharing this information."

But it’s worth it to him if he can save yours.

Trust me. You need to see this! Click the link. It may be the click that saves your life...

Survivecoronavirus org

P.S. The guy risked his life...

The least you can do is hear him out.

Survivecoronavirus org"

Here is another scam.


Mar. 18, 2020 at 3:35 PM by
Fake WHO Coronavirus Awareness Emails and Scam

Here is another email scam:

"COVID-19 Response: 5 Tips for Securing Remote Workplace

Wed 3/18/2020 3:10 PM

The outbreak of Coronavirus is a rapidly developing situation and is likely to affect many travel plans over the coming months. We strongly recommend that anyone travelling or planning to travel takes guidance from the Foreign and Commonwealth office:


The WHO's designation of coronavirus as a pandemic yesterday has significant implications for the operation of insurance policy cover and these are clearly posing unprecedented challenges.

The team have put together some advice for you based on current activities:

I am travelling to a country where there has been an outbreak?

If the WHO advise against travel to the area you are visiting then in the first instance you should contact your travel operator or medical practitioner to reschedule or ask for a protective tips. MOST REPORTED CASES SAVES LIFES.

Kindly take a break and read the attached articles on our site and futher refrences on the issue for our staff


onlinethreatalerts.com Ltd. Aston Lark Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, No. 307663 and registered in


Feb. 26, 2020 at 11:53 PM by
Fake WHO Coronavirus Awareness Emails and Scam


Wed 2/26/2020 10:42 AM

From: "FIGHT CORONA FOUNDATION WORLDWIDE" - irmc@redynet.com.ar

Hello dear how are you doing? I am Ms. Marylyne, am 56 years old from Swiss.I have a proposal to share with you please get back to me for details with my email { marylynevantelli20@gmail.com }.



Another scam.


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Fake WHO Coronavirus Awareness Emails and Scam