Is Dorrimoon a Scam? Review of the Online Store

Is Dorrimoon a Scam? Review of the Online Store

Dorrimoon located at is an untrustworthy online store. Online shoppers run the risk of receiving counterfeit goods or nothing at all from the same store. Unsatisfied online users who have shopped on the untrustworthy website are asked to contact their bank or financial institution to have their transactions canceled and money refunded.

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About Dorrimoon Online Store

Dorrimoon at

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Jun 1, 2021 at 11:51 PM by
Is Dorrimoon a Scam? Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: South East Delhi, New Delhi, Delhi, India

Agree it is a Total Scam. Now they have same product through different online partners. Be very careful


May 20, 2021 at 6:40 AM by
Is Dorrimoon a Scam? Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Stavanger, Rogaland, Norway

Dorimoon, Doriimoon, Dariimoon, or Dorrimoon;

They seam to have a problem spelling their own name, or it is probably a scam?. BE CAREFUL! THEY ADVERTISE ON FACEBOOK!

I came over a probably scam commersial on facebook; it is a Chinese commercial; a very nice large foldable table so amazinly cheep, despite rather clever model, should probably cost at least another 1000 Dollars on top of the 15 Dollar!? it is said to be the cost. The next I see is A LOT! of angry faces under the commercial, One comment saying; with a shocked face.. 🙁 "They stole from my creditcard!"

Wise by mistake, I searched the site out on Google, and found; 4 names of shop APARENTLY SAME, and name on website, differs with one letter, none of them found on a Google search. Two telephonenumbers, both checked by Chinese telephone search, both found to be fake. They "do not exist". Webside has a contact link, "do you want to send us a mail?" No visable mailadress, just link to a firm where you leave your name and info, (dont!) and write to them in that firm. All information checked by several scam site searches, rated to "highly suspicious" .. all similar" with just one letter differences, with this warning attached to it;

You can search each one of the names on Google, behind, and dont click the blue link take the grey, general search. What appears is warning after warning, one of the names do not appear to be anything at all. Just a blur, or a fifth site SAYING; "@dariimoon htps://" when I wrote that, a warning came up, facebook; WARNING! "THIS ADRESS IS AGAINST OUR STANDARDS, A SCAM." SO, It is confirmed. THEY CONNECT TO EACH OTHER AND THEY ARE DEFINITELY FAKE.


Feb 12, 2021 at 5:24 PM by
Is Dorrimoon a Scam? Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: New York, New York, United States

Sleazy China company! THIS C**P ADVERTISED ON FACEBOOK (THANK YOU MARK ZUCHDONTCARE). My poor dad fell for this stupid ad. I fought back and forth with these clowns and they kept saying the product was mailed but there was no tracking ever. Now they are gone. Thank heavens it was only $20.50 - but hopefully karma will get these lowlives, and in a bad way.


Jan 10, 2021 at 12:37 PM by
Is Dorrimoon a Scam? Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Brentwood, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

my order# is dm10206 iorder a umbrella in early nov. 2020 its now jan 10 I am still waiting for it. the web site I tried get on it but it no where to be found mytracking# teles me nothing


Dec 18, 2020 at 12:11 AM by
Is Dorrimoon a Scam? Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

never ever buy stuff from '' you will never get your stuff and you will lose your money


Dec 6, 2020 at 6:12 PM by
Is Dorrimoon a Scam? Review of the Online Store
an anonymous user from: Central Business District, Buffalo, New York, United States

My name is Ruben D, I made a purchase of an umbrella more than a month ago and it hasn't arrived yet.


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Is Dorrimoon a Scam? Review of the Online Store