DPD Delivery Scam Email Notification

DPD Delivery Scam Email Notification

Cybercriminals are sending their potential victims fake DPD Delivery scam emails that claim the recipients have a missed parcel delivery and more information is needed in order to re-deliver the parcel. The fake emails encourage the recipients to click a link in it, which goes to a fake or phishing website that asks them to re-enter their address details.

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Although, the emails said the are from "DPD delivery," they were actually sent from other email addresses. This type of trickery is called email spoofing. It is used by cybercriminals to trick potential victims into believing an email came from a legitimate source, when it was actually sent by them.

How to Determine if an Email is a Scam

Hover your cursor over the link in the email to view the URL before you click it. If you don’t recognise the URL, website address, or destination, don’t open it. Go directly to DPD's website at www.dpd.co.uk and enter the tracking number yourself.

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Dec. 19, 2020 at 10:56 AM by
DPD Delivery Scam Email Notification

"From: "DPD" saracino_r9@hotmail.com

Date: 18 December 2020 at 14:56:23 GMT

Subject: Parcel Delivery 16:56:22 12/18/2020



Today 16:56:22-12/18/2020 unable to deliver parcel.

ID: MuMcZ - Never miss a parcel delivery again.

New delivery today!"

Here is another scam.


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DPD Delivery Scam Email Notification