Defender Subscription Renewal Notification Scam

Defender Subscription Renewal Notification Scam

The "Defender Subscription Renewal Notification" email below, which asks recipients call telephone number +1-833-901-1086 is a scam. The fake email is being sent by cybercriminals who are attempting to trick their potential victims into giving them access to their computers, and stealing their account credentials, personal and financial information.

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The "Defender Subscription Renewal Notification" Scam

Defender Renewal Notification...

Sat 10/31/2020 2:41 PM

From: "Order Details"


YourDefender Renewal Notification for Defender Firewall has been successfully renewed and updated.


Product Name : Defender Firewall

Expiration Date : 1 Year from the date of purchase

Price : $199.99

Payment Method: Auto-Renewal

If you feel this is an unauthorized transaction, please contact our billing department as soon as possible.

You can reach us on +1-8339011086


Alex Sodre

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Apr 22, 2021 at 10:11 PM by
Defender Subscription Renewal Notification Scam
an anonymous user from: Jurong East, Singapore, Singapore

Me too got this in January 2021


Thank You for joining the Technical Department. Your subscription Email –* has been successfully renewed and updated.


Product ID : US2-31-5231

Product Name : Defender Firewall

Expiration Date : 1 Year from the date of purchases

Auto Renewal Amount: 199.99 USD

If you feel this is an unauthorized transaction, please contact our billing department as soon as possible.

For refunds & cancellations, You can reach us at -84475-90044

(Mon to FrI 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM EST)


Bryan Archbold


Jan 8, 2021 at 2:52 PM by
Defender Subscription Renewal Notification Scam

"Auto Renewal...

Fri 1/8/2021 1:49 PM


Dear Customer,

Thank You for joining the Technical Department. Your subscription has been successfully renewed and updated.


Product ID : US866-87956

Product Name : Defender Firewall

Expiration Date : 1 Year from the date of purchases

Auto Renewal Amount : 199.99 USD

If you feel this is an unauthorized transaction, please contact our billing department as soon as possible.

For refunds & cancellations, You can reach us at 1 (Mon to Fri 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM EST)


Bryan Archbold

Manager- Technical Department

Corporate Office- 815 Market Street

San Francisco, CA

USA, 94103

Contact Number 1"

Here is another scam.


Nov 6, 2020 at 12:23 PM by
Defender Subscription Renewal Notification Scam
an anonymous user from: Albany, New York, United States

Received the e-mail today, 11/6/20. I investigated the phone number and found your article and posted it on Facebook to warn others. Thank you.


Nov 2, 2020 at 1:46 PM by
Defender Subscription Renewal Notification Scam
an anonymous user from: Mt Prospect, Illinois, United States

I received an email, I called and challenged them, they sound from India, Pakistan. I was forceful and they stuttered then I hanged up.


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Defender Subscription Renewal Notification Scam