Apple Macbook Pro Scam with Link to 3op0j

Apple Macbook Pro Scam with Link to 3op0j

The "Apple Macbook Pro" text message below with a link to is a scam. Therefore, recipients are asked NOT to follow or click on the link in it. The fake text message, which claims recipients can win a MacBook Pro, is being sent by scammers who are attempting to trick recipients into clicking the link in it, which goes to spam and malicious websites.

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The Apple Macbook Pro Text Scam

Text from: 1 (216) 369-5597:

As part of Verizon's Tech Inclusive Exercise, we're giving away a Apple Macbook Pro to eligible few. [name], you are selected:

If you have recieved the fake Apple Macbook Pro text, please post it in the comment section below, then delete it. The fake text I received came from telephone number (646)401-1455.

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Nov. 3, 2020 at 8:20 AM by
Apple Macbook Pro Scam with Link to 3op0j
an anonymous user from: Literature Science and the Arts Building, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States

(216)369-5597 today 11/3/2020


Nov. 2, 2020 at 10:36 AM by
Apple Macbook Pro Scam with Link to 3op0j

As part of Verizon's Tech Enabling Exercise, we're giving away a Apple Laptop to selected few. Congratulations, you are eligible:


Nov. 1, 2020 at 9:45 PM by
Apple Macbook Pro Scam with Link to 3op0j
an anonymous user from: Moscow, Idaho, United States

I recommend that anyone receiving this scam also report it to the FTC who is responsible for attempting to identify scammers and prosecute them. You can go to FTC complaint assist and it will walk you through the process. Here is what I received yesterday, 11/1/2020 from #646-675-9302

As part of Verizon's Tech Inclusive Movement, we're giving away an Apple Macbook to eligible few. Jill, you are selected:


Nov. 1, 2020 at 1:35 PM by
Apple Macbook Pro Scam with Link to 3op0j
an anonymous user from: Garment District, New York, United States

I got this txt and good thing I know were to check this SCAm TXT


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Apple Macbook Pro Scam with Link to 3op0j