PayPal users who have received fake emails like the one below from, which claim their account has been limited, are asked to delete them and should not follow the instructions in them. This is because the fake emails are phishing scams sent by cybercriminals who are attempting to trick their potential victims into visiting a fake PayPal website. Once on the fake website, visitors will be asked to sign-in, but if they attempt to do so, their PayPal account credentials will be sent to the cybercriminals.
An PayPal Scam Email -
Wed 9/20/2020 2:00 PM
Hello Customer - Your PayPal account has been temporarily limited Unlock Account Now
We've noticed significant changes in your account activity.
Your PayPal account has been limited
Dear Customer,
We emailed you a little while ago to ask for your help resolving an issue with your PayPal account. Your account is still temporarily limited because we haven't heard from you.
The system has detected that your account has been recorded from an Unknown Dangerous Device.
What's the problem?
We noticed some unusual activity on the credit card linked to your PayPal account.
Case ID Number: PP-003-523-101-651
How you can help
Please take action on your account soon. It's important that you let us know because it helps us prevent unauthorised persons from accessing the PayPal network and your account information..
Reactive Account Service Now
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. If you need further assistance, please click Contact at the bottom of any PayPal page.
PayPal users who have been tricked by the scam area asked to change their password immediately and check their account for fraudulent transactions, and report them to PayPal.