FedEx Parcel Text Scam Linked to d6fsx

FedEx Parcel Text Scam Linked to d6fsx

The FedEx Shipment Text scam below is being sent by scammers and spammers. Therefore, recipients are asked not to follow the instructions in it. The Fedex Parcel text message goes to, which is a spam website, will attempt to trick visitors into visiting malicious websites. This text message is just one of the many FedEx text scam reported in 2020.

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The FedEx Parcel Text Scam Linked to d6fsx

FEDEX: shipment 51821 report - sent! Check:

If you have receive the Fedex Shipment or Parcel scam text message, please post it in the comment section below, then delete it. Do not follow the instructions in it

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Oct. 17, 2020 at 1:24 PM by
FedEx Parcel Text Scam Linked to d6fsx
an anonymous user from: Charleston, South Carolina, United States

Doing a scam as a Lottery Winner and wanting to give away $30,000.00. Name, address and phone number requested...then the big drop of wanting the individual to pay for FedEx shipping of the check from a cost of $250.00 to $100.00. Love reporting these to the Federal Trade Commission!


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FedEx Parcel Text Scam Linked to d6fsx