i6mn Tablets and Laptops Distribution for Virtual Learning WhatsApp Scam

i6mn Tablets and Laptops Distribution for Virtual Learning WhatsApp Scam

If you have received the "i6mn Tablets and Laptops Distribution for Virtual Learning" message below on WhatsApp, with a link to the website i6mn.com, please do not share it because it is a hoax. There is no such tablets and laptops distribution. The fake website only collects personal information and redirect visitors to spam and malicious websites.

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The Tablets and Laptops Distribution for Virtual Learning WhatsApp Scam

Schools has a distribution schedule for tablets and laptops to be given out to students to help support virtual learning this fall. To check eligibility visit i6mn.com/education

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Mar. 27, 2021 at 2:03 AM by
i6mn Tablets and Laptops Distribution for Virtual Learning WhatsApp Scam
an anonymous user from: Accra Metropolis, Accra, Greater Accra Region, Ghana

How can I get the tablet or the laptops?


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i6mn Tablets and Laptops Distribution for Virtual Learning WhatsApp Scam