Roblox Ice Valk Scam Stealing Account Credentials

Roblox Ice Valk Scam Stealing Account Credentials

A lot of people have lost their accounts due to the Roblox Ice Valk scam. The scammers responsible for the scam created a fake and phishing website called Roblox Gold looking like the legitimate Roblox website at Visitors to the fake website will be asked to sign-in, but if they attempt to do so, their credentials will be sent to the scammers, who will hijack their accounts, send the scam to their friends and use the accounts for other fraudulent activities.

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The Roblox Ice Valk Scam Website

 Roblox Ice Valk Scam -

Remember, the legitimate Roblox website is and fake and phishing one is

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Roblox Ice Valk Scam Stealing Account Credentials