MT Bank Alert Text Scam - Cybercriminals Phishing for Information

MT Bank Alert Text Scam - Cybercriminals Phishing for Information

M&T Bank has recently seen an increase in cases of phishing – fraudulent attempts to lure you into sharing financial or personal information through text, phone or email messages. Please know that M&T Bank will not call or send email or text messages requesting customer login credentials, PINs, passwords or personal information. And, if you think you received a fraudulent message, please delete it or forward the email to Do not click on links or open attachments within the message.

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Recognizing Official M&T Bank Communications

If you ever receive an email that appears to come from M&T Bank and contains our logo but requests personal information or provides a link to a page to enter personal information, do not respond. It is a policy that M&T does NOT initiate a request for personal information via email.

Unless you initiate the contact or we are completing an application for you, M&T will NOT request personal information. If you are being asked for any of the information listed above, it may be a scam.

Recognizing a Scam

NEVER give out your personal information in response to an unsolicited email, phone call or text message. Forward any suspicious emails to that appear to be from M&T and request that you click on a link to enter your login credentials or personal information.

You should never supply any account or login credentials to suspicious emails, but if you’re concerned that the request may be legitimate, contact us directly rather than through the communication you received. A representative will be able to help you.

What to Do if You Suspect Fraud

If you believe you have been a victim of fraud related to your M&T accounts, notify us immediately at 1-800-724-2440 (Monday–Friday 6am–9pm, Saturday–Sunday 9am–5pm ET), so we can take action to help you.

Phishing, Vishing and SMiShing Scam Prevention Tips

  • General

    Never respond to any phone calls, emails or text messages requesting personal information. Check and monitor your credit report regularly

  • ​Online

    Always look for “https://” and a padlock icon on legitimate websites that require the input of personal information. Keep software updated (operating systems and web browsers). Keep your computer clean from Spyware

  • Email

    Use a SPAM filter, anti-virus software and a personal firewall. Delete emails before opening them if received from anyone you do not recognize. Never click on hyperlinks within emails, tweets, posts or text messages if you believe they may be fraudulent (hyperlinks may contain a virus). Instead, retype the company name into your browser

  • Phone/Text

    Ignore emails​ or text messages that threaten termination of service if you do not follow the instructions contained in the message. If the email or text message appears to come from a company that you do business with, contact them directly to discuss/report the message

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Sep. 7, 2022 at 9:49 AM by
MT Bank Alert Text Scam - Cybercriminals Phishing for Information
an anonymous user from: Anne Arundel County, Crownsville, Maryland, United States

Received text from 718-249-9648 offering a code for an online purchase and a link to “https: //s. id/ 7MTBan” (minus the spaces shown) to decline “If Not You”. Probably not a valid phone number to begin with; never a customer of M&T; no online purchases made that day. Please note that the link does begin with “https”. Blocked and deleted.


Jul. 15, 2022 at 10:15 AM by
MT Bank Alert Text Scam - Cybercriminals Phishing for Information
an anonymous user from: New York, New York, United States

Hello, yesterday I received a text message without a phone #. I deleted it and immediately called the fraud line at M & T.

She asked me to take a screen shot of the text, but I had already deleted.

I did click on the link: and it popped open like the initial log on page asking for my user name and password. I did not enter any information.

I am sorry I could not forward an email and I wish I could have sent the verbiage used.

It had something to do with unusual activity in my account and I needed to access link to unlock my account. Thank you for all you do to keep us safe.

Nancy Houseknecht


Mar. 21, 2022 at 11:32 AM by
MT Bank Alert Text Scam - Cybercriminals Phishing for Information
an anonymous user from: Lackawanna, New York, United States

Have not been a customer for over 10 years. Recently received text from 407-520-7621 stating unusual transactions and blocked my debit account. Confirm….I did not open the text.


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MT Bank Alert Text Scam - Cybercriminals Phishing for Information