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Simple Domain Host Scam and Fake Invoices

Business owners, beware of a fake web hosting website called Simple Domain Host located at that is sending out very convincing fake invoices to potential victims.


I received a fake invoice from Simple Domain Host, with no account number. I have never interacted with them but they are soliciting yearly web hosting for my website that they do not host. They encourage a credit card payment to avoid receiving paper invoices in the future. They state that hosting my website with them will ensure my website remains active and that failure to renew by the expiration date may result in my website outages and a loss of my online identity.

About Simple Domain Host

Call Now: 1 (845) 335-7112

Miami Headquarters

382 NE 191st St #22349

Miami, FL 33179-3899

This newly created website (Simple Domain Host) is a little bit over a year old and hides is domain registration information by using a third party service. The website has a poor global ranking of 3,000,000 for a website hosting company. You cannot trust a web hosting websites that have ranking of 100,000 or more.

Also, their Knowledge Base is empty. If you need help with email, domain registration, or web hosting, you will not find anything in it.

My conclusion is, Simple Domain Host is a sales solicitation that looks exactly like a bill. Praying on people who don't know better. Since bill is a solicitation, you should not pay them. This type of practice is unethical and prays on many people out there trying to make it as a small business, but don't know better when it comes to hosting.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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