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336-754-9064 Social Security Administration Scam Calls

I keep getting Social Security Administration scam calls from telephone number 336-754-9064. The call claims the U.S Treasury has executed an enforcement action against me and if I ignore, I will have to appear before a magistrate judge or grand jury for a federal criminal offense. It then claims I should call back the number (336-754-9064) and speak to a federal agent.


Here is a transcript of the telephone call:

"Social Security Administration this message is intended to contact you regarding an enforcement action executed by the U.S Treasury intending your serious attention ignoring this will be an intentional 2nd attempt to avoid initial appearance before a magistrate judge or a grand jury for a federal criminal offense this is the final attempt to reach you to resolve this issue immediately and to speak to a federal agent call back number 336-754-9064 I repeat 336-754-9064 thank you."

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