The term UX which means user experience in itself is self-explanatory and it has been popular amongst developers for quite some time but nowadays even the customers are aware of the importance of it hence they specify their design requirements which integrate the UI/UX designs as well. I have my own web development firm and recently came across a client who started the conversation by asking me to explain how I would implement UI/UX to build their website which made it clear that User Experience is something which you just cannot ignore or else you cannot survive in this field. But, when I talk about making privacy a part of User Experience, what do I intend?
A shift in the Audiences Thought Process:
Now, let us talk about the shift in the audience mind frame. In earlier days, people lacked the awareness that websites can track their data hence they did not restrain themselves from giving away their data. Today, the increase in awareness has raised doubts in the minds of customers hence they do not wish to engage with websites which are not transparent in their policy and the ones which seek to collect user information without giving the users option to deny it hence you need to change your privacy policy as per the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and improve the security while saving private and important data of your users.
Change Your Consent Options:
A part of user experience is letting the users make their own choices rather than you making these choices for them hence do not pre-check any field without the knowledge of the user. Let the user decide what they are comfortable with and what they do not approve of.
Change the Ways You Take Consent:
Your consent pop-up need not be boring, instead make it interesting and integrate it with the existing design. But do not spend weeks designing it as users will dismiss it in a second hence you may make it look different from all the other sites but do not break your head on this one.
Describe in Detail How You Will be Using User Data:
Taking consent by adding a pop-up is one thing but you need to explain in detail to the users how you plan on using the user data. Explain in detail why do you need to collect user data and how are you using it. Also, mention the third-party software which might use the user data as well so that the users know where their data is being stored.
Use Site Protection:
While you have explained to the users about your privacy policies and taken their consent, the users have trusted you and provided you with their data hence you need to make sure that the data is protected. Use SSL to encrypt the site and also use a firewall for additional protection. A part of good user experience is handling their data right hence make sure to secure the data collected to keep your users trust.
Provide an Opt-Out Option:
Make it clear to the users that they can opt-out of the subscription anytime they wish. This not only will improve the way they interact with the site as many sites do not provide this information openly and users struggle to find an opt-out option, but it will also improve the user's trust on your brand.
The way a website deals with user data is directly related to user experience hence make sure that next time you create a site, instead of just implementing UX in design, also use it to improve user privacy by handling their data right and being transparent about it.