Dynamic Recovery Solutions - Is This a Scam Company?

Dynamic Recovery Solutions - Is This a Scam Company?

Dynamic Recovery Solutions, also known as DRS, is a collections agency based in Greenville, South Carolina. The debt collection agency was founded in 2008 and deals with consumers throughout the United States. Dynamic Recovery Solutions has received many consumer complaints claiming Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) violations. Some consumer reviews have accused DRS of threatening to take illegal action and making false statements or representations in pursuit of debt collection. Other examples of alleged violations include attempting to collect a debt not owed, threatening to contact an employer and sharing information improperly, and improper communication tactics.

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Nonetheless, Dynamic Recovery Solutions is not a scam and they are in fact an authorized debt collection agency. Businesses from many industries use DRS as a debt collector, however the agency primarily focuses in fields such as health care, student loans, banking, utilities, telecom, and retail. If Dynamic Recovery Solutions has contacted you, it is important that you learn your rights and how best to protect yourself before offering any response.

What Legal Actions Can Dynamic Recovery Solutions Take Against Me?

As a debt collector, Dynamic Recovery Solutions is not legally allowed to threaten to sue you, or threaten to garnish your wages. They are allowed to contact you via phone, text, or mail. However Dynamic Recovery Solutions cannot call you at inappropriate times including before 8 a.m. and after 9 p.m.

Though they are not allowed to threaten lawsuit or wage garnishment, if you do not pay a valid debt owed to them, Dynamic Recovery Solutions may legally sue you in a court. If they get a default judgement against you in court, the judgement will state the amount you owe and allow them to garnish your wages for that amount. If you owe a debt to Dynamic Recovery Solutions and are concerned with the possibility that they might garnish your wages, it would be wise to speak to an attorney before it gets to this point. Our attorneys have assisted countless consumers in fighting back against debt collector harassment and protecting themselves against wage garnishment. Contact us now to see if we can help you as well!

How Do I Stop Dynamic Recovery Solutions From Harassing Me?

The first step is to determine if Dynamic Recovery Solutions is in violation of your rights. Please refer to the following list:

  • Dynamic Recovery Solutions (DRS) is contacting you about about a debt which is not yours, or a debt amount which is more than you owe
  • DRS is unable to prove that the debt is owed by you
  • DRS is not authorized by the original creditor to collect the debt
  • DRS is making automated robocalls to your phone in order to collect
  • DRS is using inappropriate language, or trying to intimidate you.
  • DRS is accusing you of criminal behavior, or threatening to arrest you.
  • DRS is threatening you with negative credit reporting, lawsuit, or violence
  • DRS is calling you at work, or calling your friends, coworkers, and neighbors
  • DRS is calling you before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m.
  • DRS is calling you many times per week

If any of the above applies to your situation, you can contact your lawyer or find one here.

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Sep. 6, 2020 at 5:13 PM by
Dynamic Recovery Solutions - Is This a Scam Company?
an anonymous user from: Hackettstown, New Jersey, United States

SCAM OF A COMPANY! I've been fighting off this "company" and their false claims for 5 years. I'm not one to leave reviews on companies, yet alone super long ones, but this will be the exception because I really hope no one falls for the scams that this company tries to get away with people. So here we go...

Back in 2014 I ran my credit report and my credit score was much lower than the range I thought it would be. This was because I had a $915 collections amount on there that I had no idea what was about. When I dug deeper into it I found out it was from this company. When I called them back then they said it was from an ER visit at a hospital from back in December 2012, so two years prior. It was a total BS of a charge/claim considering I was never a patient for anything at that hospital, let alone at the ER there. That hospital was actually 1 hour from where I lived at the time. So I mailed in a dispute letter to them and gave them time to take care of it. A few months later I checked my credit report again and it wasn't on there anymore, so I thought the issue had been resolved and that was that.

Then in 2016 I received a letter from them in the mail. Mind you, I had moved addresses from the time I wrote my dispute letter last time to where I lived this time. But they somehow found my new address and mailed me a letter. They claimed the same exact thing...$915 collections amount from an ER visit. Because I knew 100% that this charge was not something I ever did, I disputed the letter again, also stating in the letter that I had already disputed this and resolved it before. Even though this was my second time disputing this and I thought seeing this charge again was weird, I wasn't crazy suspicious at this point and just disputed it again without looking up the company. I should have known better.

Fast forward to last summer 2019, I received yet ANOTHER letter in the mail from them! Again, same charge, same amount, same mysterious ER hospital visit. I thought ok now this is getting out of control and something's up. I called them and they gave me the run around no solid information on what was going on. I even called the hospital that they said the charge was from and a bunch of other numbers that were given to me and I confirmed that there was nothing on file for my name. After explaining to them that this wasn't me, it's been 5 years of disputing this now, and all the other details...the person I spoke with on the phone said they would mail me a "dispute package" within 7-10 days and to dispute the charge that way instead of through another letter. The 7-10 days passed and I get something in the mail from them, but instead of it being a dispute package it was a letter saying, "Thank you for your recent contact concerning your account...blah blah blah...here's the amount you owe us." So basically just another letter trying to charge me yet again and absolutely nothing about disputing the charge. But what was interesting about this letter is that they also attached what they had on file as for my personal information and it was all completely false. They had my previous address, phone number, birthday, primary doctor...all wrong. The only thing accurate on this letter was my first and last name. I obviously didn't pay the amount and mailed in yet another dispute letter along with a threat that if I see or receive one more thing from them and if they do not completely take me out of their system that I would be contacting my lawyer and seeking legal action.

I'm going through some papers now and just came across the letters I received from them last summer and realized I never wrote this last summer when I meant to. I ran my credit report today and nothing is coming up on my credit report from them. So up until now I haven't received anything else from them, but judging from their pattern of every 2-3 years, I wouldn't be surprised if I receive another letter in the future.

From the looks of it they have done this and continue to do this to hundreds, if not thousands, of other people. I see that many people/reviews on here have complained about relentless phone calls from them. I've never received any phone calls from them, all communication from them has been via postal mail. I have absolutely no idea how they got my information or where they are coming up with this never disappearing charge, but it's incredibly frustrating and definitely illegal what they're doing. How they're getting away with this is beyond me! If I ever receive anything from them again I'll be contacting my attorney and seeking legal action for sure.


Dec. 27, 2019 at 6:52 AM by
Dynamic Recovery Solutions - Is This a Scam Company?
an anonymous user from: New York, United States

They call me all the time and I would love to speak to them about why, but every time I answer they hang up and never even acknowledge me. I have tried calling them and I get sent to voicemail leave a message and when they call me back they hang up. Vicious cycle what love to get them to leave me alone, this was very helpful to read and understand that they should be able to provide proof, what if they can’t?


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Dynamic Recovery Solutions - Is This a Scam Company?