For businesses worldwide, cybersecurity is an increasingly alarming issue. It leads to the reputational as well as the financial cost of data breaches, which creates a significant headache for the companies that are unprepared to deal with such a fix.
Savita Wadhwa, who works with TopAssignmentExperts and provides the statistics homework help asserts that with time, the technology has helped the organizations optimize their operations. This has been made possible by way of a variety of innovative means and measures. However, on the flip side, there has been a noted subsequent rise in the number of cybersecurity threats which the companies are exposed to today.
So, what are these challenges of the cybersecurity? Here, we have come up with a list of 10 of the primary cybersecurity problems which the organizations are exposed to. Let us take a look at them, one by one.
As per the recently put together SEO Powersuite review, ransom ware, which is a form of malware, will continue to be a problem to the businesses for the years to come. So, how is this a cybersecurity threat to the companies? It has been seen that Ransomware actually prevents the users from being able to access the vital information or data on their networks until a said payment is made. Now, here what the cyber criminals do is that they don’t really free up the devices even if the ransom (stated payment) is made. They will try to extort more and more money out of the users and try to dupe them.
Do you think all the cybercriminals are profit-oriented? If yes, then you are entirely wrong. Over the past five years, there has been a significant rise in hacktivism. So, what is hacktivism? Hacktivism means that several cybercriminals are repeatedly attempting to break into your computer system for the social or the politically charged reasons.
Usually, these attacks do more damage than the traditional threats because hacktivists do this to make a statement and scare the government. So, whenever there is a hacktivist attack, the effort is usually very publicly damaging for the reputation of the organization. Further, there are significant safety concerns seen if the hacktivists trespass the safety mechanisms or publish the documents which may put the national security at more substantial risk.
The Internet of Things (IoT)
As per McAfee, there will be more than 1.8 billion connected devices in the hands of the consumer by the end of 2019. Moreover, hacking into the systems will only get more and more prevalent over the years to come, given that hacktivism and ransomware are said to be the primary concerns.
In addition to this, there is a significant privacy threat as the smart devices consist of a considerable amount of sensitive information which only the cybercriminals have access to. If McAfee is to be believed, some of the products that have been sold this year already have some backdoors installed which the cybercriminals can leverage.
Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks
I am confident that a lot of you must have known, experienced or heard about the DDoS attacks. In the past couple of years, the DDoS attacks have created a lot of news. They have crippled some big names in the market, including the news broadcasting giant BBC. Others who were exposed to the DDoS attacks was Donald Trump's election campaign website as well as the Dyn, which is a cloud-based internet performance management company.
If the experts at the PaperDoers, are to be believed, the impact and the instances of the DDoS attacks are only going to increase in number in the coming years. This rise in the number of the breaches will definitely challenge the defence of the organization irrespective of its size.
Drone jacking
Today the consumers, as well as the organizations, are making use of the drones in several exciting and new ways. As a result of this, cybercriminals tend to take advantage of this growing popularity by hacking into technology.
As per the McAfee reports, the experts have already concluded how easy it is for the criminals to take over the toy drone, get it to land on the rooftop of a business or a home and thereby hack into the local network.
Social engineering
As suggested by Sonia, working with TrumpLearning, the preventive and the technical measures of the cybersecurity are getting more sophisticated with time. However, this doesn’t bother the criminals, and they are now moving to social engineering as an effort to bypass into the business systems. They do this via Social engineering, which involves deceiving or manipulating the primary individuals into giving out essential financial information or data by way of phishing techniques. Over the years, there is a noted massive rise in the phishing attacks.
Insider threats
Businesses are not just exposed to the external threats. They face a significant degree of internal threats too. More than half of the data breaches in the business houses are seen to be because of the prevalent insider threats. Amidst this 2/3 were the people with an ill intent whereas the remaining accounted to the incidents arising because of the 'inadvertent actors'. Inadvertent actors basically refer to the innocent individuals who happen to accidentally give the attackers access to relevant information or sometimes fail to keep up with the security measures.
Machine learning
Shayan offering online assignment help with TFTH states that the machine learning algorithms help the businesses to perform the complex data analysis task on a massive quantum of data at high speed with only minimal manual input. This is a great technology which is used to detect any instances of fraud, automate the suggestions for the consumer products, and predict the reach and success of the business campaign. Unfortunately, if McAfee is to be believed, this machine learning will also be leveraged to commit crimes which will lead to criminals identifying all the good value targets among the big data sets.
Mobile malware
Today people mostly prefer using mobile devices to perform everyday business tasks. As a result of this, in the technology rises, it is quite possible that the cybercriminals will try and exploit the weaknesses of the user.
As per the reports of the Kaspersky Lab, the malware attacks have almost tripled in the last couple of years. Further, there has been a rise in the instances of both mobile ransomware and mobile banking Trojans in the past one year.
Fake ads and feedback
Today, customers are bombarded with online advertisements. This rise in fake advertisements, as well as the increase in the phishing attacks, has eroded the trust in the internet-based marketing.
Further, the trend of purchased likes, reviews and comments is only worsening this problem. This leaves the customers skeptical of the truthfulness of the online advertising methods. Sheetal, working with a reputed paper writing help provider, offering the college paper writing service states that this trend of fake ads and feedbacks may have a negative impact even on the businesses which are not involved in such practices as their legitimate campaigns are found to suffer in this world of nefarious marketing tactics.
So, in this list we have seen the top ten challenges of the cybersecurity which the businesses are experiencing now and sadly will continue to experience in the near future too. However, with the right use of system and software, this can surely be tackled.