"AOL Mailbox Outdated Due to The Update of Our System" Phishing Scam

AOL Mailbox Outdated Due to The Update of Our System Phishing Scam

The "AOL Mailbox Outdated Due to The Update of Our System" email below is a phishing scam. Therefore, AOL users who have received the same email are asked to delete it and not follow the instructions in it. The phishing scam is being sent by cybercriminals to trick AOL users into clicking on the link in it, which goes to a phishing website that steals AOL email account username and password.

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The "AOL Mailbox Outdated Due to The Update of Our System" Phishing Scam

From: AOLMAIL SUPPORT <cosmeric1@prodigy.net.mx>

Sent: Fri, Jul 26, 2019 9:04 am


Dear member,

Our record shows that your mailbox is outdated due to the update of our system, which has made some incoming emails waiting.

As a precaution, we will restrict access to your Mailbox from July 25, 2019 until you update your Mailbox. To avoid abuse, it will not be possible to send emails from July 30, 2019, as long as access to the Mailbox is limited.

Please update your mailbox to receive new emails.


This could take less than a minute to complete the process.

Include valid details and wait for a response from the customer service team.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


Email Manager

This message is automatically generated from the email security server and replies sent to this email cannot be delivered.

This email is for users only

AOL users who have already received the phishing email message, and who have followed the instructions in it, are asked to change their AOL account passwords immediately before their accounts are hijacked by cybercriminals and used fraudulently.

AOL users should never click on a link to sign into their accounts, they should instead, go directly to https://mail.aol.com and sign-in from there. They will be notified of important changes or alerts after signing in if there is any.

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"AOL Mailbox Outdated Due to The Update of Our System" Phishing Scam