It seems that we can’t go more than a few months without reading another report about another corporation that has been negligent with their users’ data. The consequences of these data breaches on ordinary people are often seriously overlooked - they can be life-changing. It seems that we can’t go more than a few months without reading another report about another corporation that has been negligent with their users’ data. The consequences of these data breaches on ordinary people are often seriously overlooked - they can be life-changing.
Introduce Password Managers
Password managers enable your workers to secure their accounts every time. A password manager will generate passwords for you and will also automatically fill in login forms online. This ensures that your accounts are kept safe from brute force attacks, which rely on passwords being reasonably easy to guess.
Unfortunately, if a password database leaks, even in encrypted form, it can undermine even the strongest of passwords. However, because a password manager will remember passwords for you, you can easily use a different password for every account that you make.
Audit Your Service Providers
Depending on what your business does, you might have a large number of individual digital services providers who are essential to the smooth operation of your entire business. It is a good idea to perform a quick audit every now and then to make sure that they are still the best providers for you, don’t be afraid to engage someone else’s services if you think that they can better serve your business.
You don’t need to do anything drastic here, some people hear the word ‘audit’ and immediately imagine a long, thorough and detailed investigation. On the contrary, you can quickly and easily find pertinent statistics and information with a quick internet search. For example, Bloomberg offers profiles of businesses, like this one for SE2, that provide you with a great overview of the business and what they do.
Delete Redundant Accounts
When someone leaves a business, even if they leave on the best of terms, you wouldn’t let them keep their keys to the business. And yet many businesses still aren’t purging their IT systems of old user accounts when workers leave the business. This is just as much of a security threat as letting someone keep a physical set of keys - you should ensure that as soon as a worker finishes their employment, their access to your IT systems is also revoked.
Keep Up With Updates
Any cybersecurity professional can tell you that the rate at which new vulnerabilities and exploits are discovered is phenomenal. When vulnerabilities are discovered, businesses move quickly to patch them - major vulnerabilities and exploits will lead to patches within days. Cybersecurity researchers work with businesses to ensure that the most damaging exploits are patched before being made public. Keeping your systems updated enables you to stay ahead of the curve.
Make sure that you train your employees to spot the most common cybersecurity threats - in particular, phishing attacks and social engineering. Good cybersecurity is mostly common sense, if you educate your workers properly they will be able to negate most attacks themselves.