Fake "Patrick Law Associates, LLC" Arrest Warrant Emails

Fake Patrick Law Associates, LLC Arrest Warrant Emails

The "Patrick Law Associates, LLC" email below is a fake and scam. The fake email message is being sent by scammers to trick the recipients into sending them money by threatening legal actions. Therefore, recipients of the fake email message which appears as if it came from a so-called ACS Debt Solutions, should delete it and not follow the instructions in it.

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It is important that the public takes precautions when asked to send money via money transfer services like Western Union and MoneyGram, or Prepaid Debit Card to pay legal services or the government. This is because scammers use those untraceable money transfer services to collect money from their victims. Money sent via those services are not refundable, once the scammers have collected or used it.

A "Patrick Law Associates, LLC" Arrest Warrant Email Scam

From: Patrick Law Associates, LLC <associatespatricklaw.usa@gmail.com>

Date: Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 8:40 AM

Subject: Notice for legal proceedings

To: Patrick Law Associates, LLC <associatespatricklaw.usa@gmail.com>

Dear Debtor,

Customer ID: #95041725

Case File Number #: NY-152/A26/17932

Due Amount: $1235.67

Please take this notice that your account is due with outstanding amount of $1235.67 with our client US CASH ONE INC.LLC(Verified Collection Group) We have to take legal action if you ignore this email.

It has brought to our attention to collect from you the entire balance of a debt you owe to US CASH ONE INC. as of today the amount of the debt is $1235.67.

If you want to resolve this matter without a lawsuit and further damaging your credit rating, you must email within 2 days of the date of this letter; either you can take advantage of legit settlement amount or email us and work out arrangements for payment with it($1235.67).

Federal Laws gives you 15 days after you receive the letter to dispute the validity of the debt or any part of it. If you do not dispute it within that period we will assume that you deem it valid. If you do dispute it – by notifying us in writing to that affect. We will as required by the law, mail to you proof of the debt. And if within the same period, you request in writing the name and address of your original creditor. If the original creditor is different from the current creditor ACS, we will furnish you that information as well. The law does not require us to wait until the end of the 15 day period before suing you to collect this debt.


Patrick Law Associates.

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Jul 19, 2024 at 11:28 AM by
Fake "Patrick Law Associates, LLC" Arrest Warrant Emails
an anonymous user from: Laurinburg, North Carolina, United States

This is what I got 7/19/24 @ 9:59am:

Settlement Letter


Patrick Law Firm <patricklawfirm.debtcollection@gmail.com>

9:59 AM (2 hours ago)

to Patrick, bcc: me

Due Amount: $1355.14

Customer ID: #654412

Case File Number #:ONS-91/L27/921

Please take this notice that your account is due with an outstanding amount of $1355.14. We have to take legal action if you ignore this email.

If we don't get any response from your side, we shall have no alternative but to take action through the local County Courthouse to recover the amount due together with court costs and legal fees including all taxes which cost approximately $4825.35.

So we are providing you a minimum settlement of $931.83, if you just make a payment by today then we will close this account as paid off in full with zero balance or you can make payment arrangements with us for the total outstanding balance.

Thank You.

Patrick Law Firm.

My response: 7/19/24 @ 10:34am


I’m sorry what account are you referring to as I do not see a creditor listed in this email.

Their response:

(They have my first name listed, but last name is not correct)

You took out an online loan from my client CashnetUSA/Speedy Cash/Cash Advance are the mother/parental companies which own & operate more than 350 payday loan websites and you have used one of them to get this loan approved.

We are talking about the loan amount of $400.00 that you took with the company, they do have a signed copy of the contract which is signed under your E-mail address, also would like to mention your Computer's IP address and your SSN was also traced when you were signing the contract with the company. The company has more than 14 types of technical evidence in order to prove that the money was successfully deposited into your Bank account which was a checking account

The loan amount includes attorney charges, affidavit charges,late fee charges and rate of interest and it goes to $1355.14.

1. We can provide you the Settlement Amount of $931.83 that has to be paid by Friday (as paid in full with zero balance) or, you can pay $450.00 by today and the remaining balance next month.

2. If you are not able to work with the given settlement amount then you can pay $290.00 monthly until paid off($1355.14).

Do reply ASAP.

Best Regards,

Patrick Law Firm


Feb 9, 2024 at 10:26 AM by
Fake "Patrick Law Associates, LLC" Arrest Warrant Emails
an anonymous user from: Redmond, Washington, United States

No phone number or contact information

"Despite our previous reminder, we still have not received any payment or answer from you. Therefore, we regret to inform you that if we do not obtain the payment of $1342.32 in full before today we will have no other alternatives but to undertake court actions against you in order to retrieve the debt amount for our company.

As we were unable to reach you so we are sending you this final notification through email. This legal matter will require your cooperation, so kindly get in touch with the department to make a payment and freeze down this case.

Should your payment not be received in full today, immediate court actions will take place.

Consider this as a final warning. And we will be Emailing/ Fax this issue to your current employer to make sure they take strict actions against you. Your salary and all your wages are confiscated.

And we apologize that this notification will also be sent to your current employer. The opportunity to take care of this voluntarily is quickly coming to an end. We would hate for you to lose the option of resolving this before it goes to the next step which is a Lawsuit against you, but to do so you must take immediate action.

We would advise treating this matter with urgency and we believe you will not ignore this final reminder. To save yourself the inconvenience of court actions, we kindly suggest settling the total amount of debt and additional costs as soon as possible.

We still trust court actions will not be necessary and look forward to receiving payment by return.

If you want to resolve this matter then immediately Email us ASAP.


Patrick Law Firm"


Feb 8, 2024 at 10:08 AM by
Fake "Patrick Law Associates, LLC" Arrest Warrant Emails
an anonymous user from: Copperopolis, California, United States

They wanted to be paid by a vanilla card


Feb 8, 2024 at 10:07 AM by
Fake "Patrick Law Associates, LLC" Arrest Warrant Emails
an anonymous user from: Copperopolis, California, United States

I got this email from Patrick law firm . I never took out a loan

Balance Due: $1245.67

Case File #: KDP-99/C55/25891

Please rectify this matter immediately.

Despite my previous reminders, the above invoice for $1245.67 remains unpaid. As such, we would appreciate you making this payment by today in order to take care of this matter completely or we will file a lawsuit against you.

Please reach out to us immediately if you want to take advantage of a legit settlement or set up payment arrangement.

Thank you.


Patrick Law Firm.


Dec 7, 2023 at 8:52 AM by
Fake "Patrick Law Associates, LLC" Arrest Warrant Emails
an anonymous user from: Dallas, Texas, United States

I got an email as well from an email address from Alan Thomas, but Patrick Spencer (Sr Officer) signed at the bottom. No information on who the debt if for or any information to contact them.

Case File #: NV/51305Y/0551

Legal Charges- Section 19(A), Clause 21(US).

Case Format- Fair Debt Collection Act 811 (FC/SC)

Amount Outstanding: $1385.00

Settlement Amount: $850.00 for Today or two payments of $425.00 from Today.

Dear Debtor,

This letter is to notify you that we have received a Summons of Garnishment on your wages. This means that someone you owe money to has been awarded a judgement by the court for payment of the debt. The court has ordered us your employer to deduct 25% percent of your disposable earnings and make payment to the court on your behalf. The following applies to you:

Before you are arrested

If you pay in full, or make a part-payment before you are arrested, the warrant will be recalled and amended. However, it will be immediately re-issued if the debt is not paid in full.

After you are arrested

Once the warrant has been served, your only options are to serve the time in prison or pay the debt (plus costs) in full at the courthouse.

If you want to stop the garnishment deductions from your paycheck, you must obtain a release or pay the entire amount you owe, which you can pay with the help of Go2 bank Prepaid Card and American Express Prepaid Card in order to close this account.

What is garnishment?

Garnishment is a legal process that allows a creditor to remove funds from your [bank]/ [credit union] account to satisfy a debt that you have not paid. In other words, if you owe money to a person or company, they can obtain a court order directing your bank to take money out of your account to pay off your debt. If this happens, you cannot use that money in your account.

Why am I receiving this notice?

On December 5th,2023 we received a garnishment order from a court to [freeze/remove] funds in your account. The amount of the garnishment order was for $1385.50. We are sending you this notice to let you know what we have done in response to the garnishment order. You can contact your creditor for a settlement amount.

If you have any questions about the garnishment, you should contact the persons named on the included Summons of Garnishment by email.


Patrick Spencer

Sr. Officer

Working Hours: 10.00 A.M to 6.00 P.M CST 10.00 A.M to 1.00 P.M CST (Sat)


Jul 17, 2023 at 11:21 AM by
Fake "Patrick Law Associates, LLC" Arrest Warrant Emails
an anonymous user from: Tampa, Florida, United States

I got one of these letters in the email too and I never took out a loan or nor do I have a bank account to amount for you;

1. One-time Payment of $950.00 by today.

2. Two payments of $500.00 from today

3. If you are looking for Monthly payment then you have to pay the total amount of $1418.16 with payment arrangement and you can pay $236.00 monthly till paid in full.

Kindly let us know what type of payment arrangement you are looking for.

Do provide us with the date on which you can pay so that we can update your account. Once the full and final payment is received a receipt will be sent to you stating that your outstanding debt is paid in full with ZERO balance and you are no more debtor for the company and will update the Major Credit Bureau.



Jun 16, 2023 at 2:33 PM by
Fake "Patrick Law Associates, LLC" Arrest Warrant Emails
an anonymous user from: Southborough, Massachusetts, United States

I recently received email from this address


May 10, 2023 at 9:51 PM by
Fake "Patrick Law Associates, LLC" Arrest Warrant Emails
an anonymous user from: Redmond, Washington, United States

I recently received an email from this address


May 4, 2023 at 11:37 AM by
Fake "Patrick Law Associates, LLC" Arrest Warrant Emails
an anonymous user from: Chicago, Illinois, United States

I got an email too. Bogus idiots


Jun 1, 2023 at 3:31 PM by
Fake "Patrick Law Associates, LLC" Arrest Warrant Emails
an anonymous user from: Beaumont, Texas, United States

Me to


Jan 12, 2023 at 12:48 PM by
Fake "Patrick Law Associates, LLC" Arrest Warrant Emails
an anonymous user from: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

I just got an email from them today, stating I owe $1245.67, but no way to pay the bill or even call them, no business address..an obvious phishing attempt. A quick websearch a little common sense goes a long way.


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Fake "Patrick Law Associates, LLC" Arrest Warrant Emails