AT&T Yahoo users should be aware of fake email messages like the one below, which claim customers will no longer be able to log in to their email and AT&T billing accounts. The email messages are phishing scam being sent by cybercriminals to steal Yahoo usernames and passwords, by tricking Yahoo users into visiting a phishing website that steals email account credentials.
An "ATT Yahoo Email Verification" Phishing Scam
From: AT&T Yahoo Mail <>
Date: June 17, 2019 at 9:31:20 AM EDT
Subject: Email Verification
Reply-To: AT&T Yahoo Mail <>
AT&T Yahoo
Prior to AT&T / Yahoo! Agreement
"Starting From the 17th, of June 2019, customers will no longer be able to log in to their email and AT&T billing accounts through email addresses with the following domains:,,,,,,,,,, and"
Customers will have to Verify their email address to confirm if they have been allocated a different domain or not.
Visit: AT&T Online to Verify your new platform
AT&T Online Service
c 2019!, Inc. All rights reserved
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The link in the phishing email message goes to a fake or phishing Yahoo website, which will attempt to trick the potential victims into entering their usernames and passwords on it. If Yahoo users attempt to sign into phishing website with their Yahoo usernames and passwords, it will be sent to the cybercriminals behind the email scam, who will use the information to hijack their accounts. The hijacked Yahoo accounts will then be used by cybercriminals fraudulently.
Remember, if you receive email messages like these, please go directly to your email account instead of clicking on the links in the email messages. If there is anything wrong with your account, it will be shown to you after signing into your account. And, if you were tricked by one of these phishing scams, please change your password immediately before your Yahoo account is hijacked.