TheNeurosphere’s platform starts its operation

TheNeurosphere’s platform starts its operation

In 2019, theNeurosphere started the testing of its innovative SYPWAI platform. This project will make the neural networks closer to the everyday life of people, everyone who wants to join the science can help in its training.

SYPWAI platform is already launched

The first launch of the SYPWAI platform, which was created by The Neurosphere, has been implemented. This became possible thanks to a grant won in a contest organized by the Lifeasapa. Following the announcement of the opportunity to receive a record $ 90 million grant and work in Lifeasapa’s modern laboratory, The Neurosphere immediately applied to participate with the SYPWAI project.

TheNeurosphere has begun testing an innovative platform called SYPWAI. This happened in March 2019. If everything is as the experts intended, then this development will allow to start decentralized training of neural networks. According to the developers, in the nearest future everyone will have the opportunity to plunge into the science in the field of artificial intelligence. This platform will unite amateurs and scientists from all over the world to achieve a common goal – the development of artificial intelligence.

The SYPWAI general manager provided information according to which the company has already started testing the platform, although at the moment only non-publicly. The company has always been considered a computer-aided learning expert in the commercialization of neural networks, he said. The platform was launched with the aim of introducing artificial intelligence into human everyday life.

Benefits for platform users

Thanks to the new platform, you can perform simple tasks for training a neural network. Moreover, you can receive a monetary reward for this, while the assets are insured. Initially, ETH and BTC pairs with US dollars will be available to customers, but in the nearest future, the company’s management plans to add support of popular cryptocurrencies. There will be 10 of them.

As soon as the project becomes public, anyone can register on the platform, the company guarantees the anonymity of the data. In a project, you can complete simple tasks for training artificial intelligence, and get a small monetary reward for this. The finances will be safely stored in the “cold wallet” in the form of cryptocurrencies.

Customers who wish to use the SYPWAI platform can be completely confident in anonymity. Achievements will be announced only at the personal request of the person.

Many people are looking forward to the platform becoming available very soon for everyone who wants to contribute to science.

Everyone who is interested in taking part in the SYPWAI project hope that access to the platform will be open to everyone as soon as possible.

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TheNeurosphere’s platform starts its operation