Is an Untrustworthy Online Store?

Is an Untrustworthy Online Store?

The website,, is an untrustworthy online store claiming to sell Nike shoes, sneakers and boots. Online users are advised to stay away from the untrustworthy website because those who shop from it run the risk of receiving counterfeit goods or nothing at all. Unsatisfied online users who have shopped on the untrustworthy website are asked to contact their bank or financial institution to have their transactions canceled and money refunded. They should also have their banks help them prevent the cybercriminals who are operating the website from continuously charging their credit cards.

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May. 14, 2020 at 1:34 PM by
Is an Untrustworthy Online Store?
an anonymous user from: Dover, New Hampshire, United States

I bought a pair of sneakers from sohotiffin, the money came out of PayPal immediately even though they stated they don't charge until they mail. So I called the phone number it's a jewelry sore in Virginia and the owner told me it's a scam they get calls for sohotiffin frequently. I never received an order number and they didn't ask me for my email. I got scammed twice this month last time I had 6 checks bounce. I've never been scammed in my life now twice in a 16 day period. I'm truly furious that people think they can just take your money.

We work hard for everything we have and always have.Never again unfortunately it taught me not to trust. I'm more angry about that than anything.Oh well lesson learned.Thanks,L.Tracy


May. 14, 2020 at 1:22 PM by
Is an Untrustworthy Online Store?
an anonymous user from: Dover, New Hampshire, United States

Hello, has anyone actually received a product from sohotiffin? Thanks,L.Tracy


May. 14, 2020 at 12:41 PM by
Is an Untrustworthy Online Store?
an anonymous user from: Dover, New Hampshire, United States

Hello, I bought a pair of sneakers for 75.00 the money was taken from PayPal immediately. I called the websites phone number and it's a jewelry store in Virginia. The owner told me he bets calls all the time and its a scam. I received no order number and they didn't ask me for my email which should have tipped me off.

I had to cancel my bank card and now have to fill out a fraud packet and dispute form. This happened to me 2 times this month its never happened to me before. I had 6 checks bounce because of the last one luckily I have an incredible bank who have helped me every step of the way. Dont buy from this site they have majorley inconvenienced me. Thanks, L.Tracy


Sep. 19, 2020 at 1:49 PM by
Is an Untrustworthy Online Store?
an anonymous user from: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Hi, did you ever receive aything from the website? refund or the actual shoes?


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Is an Untrustworthy Online Store?