"We Transfer You have a New File" Phishing Scam

We Transfer You have a New File Phishing Scam

The fake email message below with the subject "You have a new file," which appears as if it was sent by WeTransfer, a popular cloud-based file transfer service based in Amsterdam that allows internet users to send small to large files, is a phishing scam. The fake email message was created and sent by cyber criminals to trick the recipients into clicking on the link within it, which will take them to a compromised or hacked website, used by cyber-criminals to steal their potential victims' Outlook, Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, AOL and other email accounts username and password.

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Update: Cyber criminals have created new versions of the malicious "WeTransfer" email message, please view them in the comment section below.

The "We Transfer You have a New File" Phishing Scam

Hi info You have a new file

Thu 6/13/2019 4:59 PM

From: We Transfer - no-reply@wetransfer.org

Files sent to

Get your files

6 files, 20.3 MB in total ・ Will be deleted on 19th June, 2019

Hi info,

Thanks for using WeTransfer. We'll email a confirmation as soon as your files have been downloaded.

The links in the fake email message do not go to the legitimate WeTransfer website located at https://www.wetransfer.com, instead, the links go to a compromised or hacked website.

Once on the compromised website, the potential victims will be asked to sign-in with their Outlook, Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, AOL or other email accounts. Once the victims have entered their information in an attempt to sign-in, their email account's username and password will be sent to the cyber-criminals or scammers behind the scam. With the victims’ credentials or sign-in information, the cyber-criminals will gain access to their email accounts and use them fraudulently.

Therefore, the recipients of email messages, which appear as if they were sent by WeTransfer, claiming that they have received a new file, should ensure that when they click on any of the links in the email message, they are taken to https://www.wetransfer.com. If they are taken to any other websites, they should close the web browser window and delete the email message.

Recipients of the fake WeTransfer email message who clicked on one of the links in the fake email message and who attempted to sign into the fake website are asked to change their email accounts password immediately, before the cyber-criminals use their stolen credentials to lock them out of their accounts, by changing their passwords.

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Jul 9, 2020 at 10:40 AM by
"We Transfer You have a New File" Phishing Scam

"From: "WeTransfer" <noreply@sendgrid.net>

Subject: You have just recieved 2 items

Date: 9 July 2020 at 14:11:20 CEST

Click 'Download images' to view images

Files sent to

2 items, 4.80 MB in total? Will be deleted on 15 July, 2020

Thanks for using WeTransfer. We'll email you a confirmation as soon as your files have been downloaded.


Here is another scam.


Apr 20, 2020 at 12:58 PM by
"We Transfer You have a New File" Phishing Scam

"Mon 4/20/2020 8:02 AM


Click 'Download images' to view images

You have received files via WeTransfer

1 item, 15.5 KB in total ・ Will be deleted on 28 April, 2020

Get your files

1 item


15.5 KB"

Another scam.


Jan 29, 2020 at 9:20 AM by
"We Transfer You have a New File" Phishing Scam

"You have received a file via WeTransfer

Wed 1/29/2020 10:00 AM

From: WeTransfer


You have received the attached file via WeTransfer

3 Files, 145 MB in total"

Here is another scam.


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"We Transfer You have a New File" Phishing Scam