Fake Stores at customer@cpjus.com

Fake Stores at customer cpjus.com

The email address customer@cpjus.com is being used by a lot of untrustworthy online stores that are ripping off online users. Therefore, online users are asked to beware of online stores that use customer@cpjus.com as their contact email address.

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Information about Online Store Using customer@cpjus.com

"Ulkshome" at www.seythmall.xyz


Unsatisfied online users who have already used their credit cards in online stores using email address customer@cpjus.com, are asked to open a dispute with your banks to have their money refunded.

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Mar. 21, 2021 at 3:44 PM by
Fake Stores at customer@cpjus.com
an anonymous user from: Central Business District, Rochester, New York, United States

Yes, this just happened to me. Paypal closed my dispute because the business gave them a tracking number that says it was delivered in my city, but doesn't specify an address! I am reopening the dispute and already reached out to USPS. MICHAEL - berr***@gmail.com


Jun. 15, 2019 at 11:22 AM by
Fake Stores at customer@cpjus.com

"Good afternoon,

I was almost scammed into buying a few things on a website that looked legit but it was too good to be true. I saw your website that advised against doing any business with customer@cpjus.com. To following website is one that in currently popping up all over instagram but I reported them all. I hope you can spread the word about this site.



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Fake Stores at customer@cpjus.com