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Dating Apps or Social Media Websites Safety Tips

In general, online dating is just another side of the Internet. Similar threats are at the back of other parts of the World Wide Web too. However, you should not avoid dating sites, social networks, or online stores just because some of them can be dangerous. It is better to be aware of possible dangers and know how to avoid them. Below are tips on how you can protect yourself.

  1. Ask for a link to other social networks

    If it seems to you that the interlocutor impersonates someone else, try to transfer communication to other social networks. Offer a potential scammer to chat on Facebook, VKontakte, or even Skype (or Badoo video chat service): a video call will definitely help you show him up in his true colors.

    At the same time, it is dangerous to use a regular phone to call a stranger. It is not necessary to confirm the identity of a person by a phone call until you are confident that the interlocutor is really the one who he/she claims to be.

    Being in a long and fruitless search for love, people begin to feel despair. In such moments, lonely hearts are ready for anything just to find and keep a person they like. Internet fraudsters know and take advantage of this weakness. Online dating services for them are a fertile field for earnings. They use vulnerability and gullibility to deceive their victim.

    The presence of fraudsters on dating services in no case should not scare users. Experts believe that you can easily defend yourself against any scammer in a dating application. The most important thing is to always be vigilant. There are 5 tips that help you to reduce all the risks of communicating with strangers to a minimum.

    In addition, in Badoo, you can request a selfie from the interlocutor which cannot be replaced by a photo from the Internet or the photo gallery of the smartphone.

  2. Do not communicate with users without photos

    Most popular dating services are protected against fake accounts. For example, to obtain the status of a verified user in Badoo, a person needs to verify a profile page, using a photo. If for some reason, your interlocutor decided not to pass the verification, it should cause some suspicions.

    Moreover, a scammer can provide you with the phone number of a paid service. Also, do not immediately give a stranger your phone number, as it can be used in a not very conscientious way.

  3. Check the interlocutor on several criteria

    Be especially vigilant if your interlocutor tries to beg for sympathy or immediately issues ultimatums. Also, criminals talk little about themselves, but they are in a hurry to meet you at the appointed place. In addition, a scammer is always well aware of the place where he invites you.

    The most important indicator that you are a victim of a money fraud is that, for some reason, you have to part with your money. Before you make a transfer, check if it is possible to pay a person locally and if there are other alternatives to places or activities that you are not sure about. If you doubt the selected location, try to offer your option. A scammer immediately disappears, but a person with good intentions is likely to agree with your initiative.

  4. Do not reject the idea that a cute girl or a well-mannered guy is a potential deceiver

    Even if you are absolutely sure that you can identify a potential scammer with one message, do not open your heart to the interlocutors ahead of time. Do not give them your phone number, home address, bank card passwords, and so on. Do not neglect your own security because fraudsters just wait for this. At a minimum, you can google a photo of the interlocutor - it is possible that it will turn out to be stolen from a popular photo bank. It is very important if you want to find a loved one.

    You should always have a reasonable level of paranoia because here, it does not matter whether it is an application or not. Even the sweetest girl can be a deceiver. So, take into account some other signs of toxic women. A simple piece of advice – do not be gullible and consider that, perhaps, a person will just trick you out of your money. If you do not use caution you can get screwed: both online and in real life.

  5. Stop talking at the slightest doubt

    If your interlocutor passes all previous security criteria, but something in the conversation still bothers you, it is better to get reinsured. Fraudsters masterly hide their intentions to the bitter end. Therefore, in any incomprehensible situation end the dialogue. Remember, any difficult life situation of your new acquaintance can be solved by the intervention of the police, rescue service, or a psychologist.

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