"Mastercard" Lottery Scam Being Sent by Scammers
There is no Mastercard lottery like the one below, which claims winners will receive thousands of dollars. Remember, once you are asked to send personal information and money in order to receive a lottery prize, it is a scam. This is how lottery scammers trick their victims. Therefore, if you have received a message claiming you are a winner in the Mastercard lottery, claims you need to send personal information and money, please do not follow the instructions in it.
A "Mastercard" Lottery Scam
From: Master Card - joseboutin9@gmail.com
Date: Tue, Jun 11, 2019 at 6:34 AM
Subject: MasterCard lottery
kindly find and fill the attached document with the required information to claim your Two hundred thousand America dollars
($200,000.00 USD) credited by MasterCard Incorporation. All reply should be forward to Master Card office E-mail: master.card35@yahoo.com
Ajaypal Banga.
CEO MasterCard Incorporation.
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