Fake "PNC Bank Credit Card Locked" Text Message Sent by Cyber Thieves
If you are a PNC Bank customer and have received the fake text message below, please do not click on the link. This is because the text is a scam sent by cyberthieves. The link in the fake text message goes to a phishing website that steals PNC Bank account credentials.
The Fake "PNC Bank Credit Card Locked" Text Message
FRM:PNC BANK GO TO hxxp://www.bit.ly/2W2wIqe NOW
MSG:ID :566 We care about your account security!
PNC Bank customer who have already been tricked by the fake text message are asked to contact PNC Bank for help.
PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. is a bank holding company and financial services corporation based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Its banking subsidiary, PNC Bank, operates in 19 states and the District of Columbia with 2,459 branches and 9,051 ATMs.
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