Malicious .dot Macro Virus Email Attachments

Malicious .dot Macro Virus Email Attachments

Cybercriminals are sending out malicious emails with random file names ending with ".dot" attached, to their potential victims. The email messages ask users to open the file, which looks harmless, but the malicious file will execute code and attempt to download a virus or other malware onto the recipients' computer. These new malicious emails follow this format: they come from an external sender with a legitimate-looking name that does not match the email address. The subject of the email is the same as the sender’s name. The body of the message varies but generally instructs the user to open the attached file. The message is signed by the same name as the sender and subject line.

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.Dot files are Microsoft Word template documents, but cybercriminals are embedding Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro codes or viruses in them.

It is recommended that online users do not enable macros for files they receive from external or unknown parties. And, shoulid disable macros in Microsoft Office and do not allow them to run, even if prompted to do so.

The malicious .dot files only affect online users who have Microsoft Office installed. So, if you do not have Microsoft Office installed, the .dot file will be harmless to you.

If you have accidentally or unkowningly clicked on a malcious .dot file, scan your computer with the antivirus software installed on it. Do a full or complete scan.

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Malicious .dot Macro Virus Email Attachments