If you have received unsolicated American Airlines E-ticket emails like the one below, please do not follow the instructions in them. This is because the emails are fakes created by and are being sent out by online scammers. The links in the fake emails go to a phishing website that steals personal and finanical information.
The "American Airlines E-Ticket" Phishing Email Scam
From: American Airlines Support - lyn@hydro.co.nz
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2019, 11:21:42 AM PDT
Subject: E-ticket 3986-836
View in browser
American Airlines logo
Dear valued customer,
Thank you for booking with American Airlines.
We have received your booking under reference 3986-836 and are reviewing your payment.
Yours sincerely,
American Airlines Support
You can also view the details of this request by following this link: https://www.aa.com/?clientrequest=3986-836
Always go directly to www.aa.com and sign into your account, instead of clicking on a link in an email message. Once you have signed into your account, you will be able to view your requests or transactions.