"Osondu Foundation" Advance Fee Scams

Osondu Foundation Advance Fee Scams

The fake "Osondu Foundation" email below is a scam. Recipients are asked to delete it and should not follow the instructions in it. The fake email is being sent by scammers who are impersonating the real person and who are attempting to trick their potential victims into sending them money or personal information. An advance-fee scam is a form of fraud and one of the most common types of confidence trick. The scam typically involves promising the victim a significant share of a large sum of money, in return for a small up-front payment, which the fraudster requires in order to obtain the large sum.

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An "Osondu Foundation" Advance-Fee Scam

Appeal For Humanitarian Projects In Nigeria

Wed 4/10/2019 3:14 PM

From: "Osondu Foundation" - burner@ex3.net


My name is Pastor Darlington Osondu, the pastor in charge of Osondu Foundation situated at Plot 137 Babs Animashaun road, off Bode Thomas street, Surulere Lagos Nigeria. I grew up in a rural community in Ibeme, Ugiri, Isiala Mbano LGA Imo state Nigeria. I am 55 years old. In this particular community called Ibeme, while we were growing up, there was no electricity or pipe borne water as this was applicable to all the communities in Ugiri constituency. We used to trek to and fro for approximately 30KM (Thirty kilometers) from my kindred to the only stream that serves the whole of Ugiri constituency till date

As I write the gullies that surround the stream are more than three storey building each. The road is slippery and almost impassable, full of wild animals and reptiles. Many times there were efforts made by different governments both military and civilian regimes to provide pipe born water to this constituency to no avail. As a matter of fact it has always been a perennial campaign promise since 1999 when democracy was reintroduced in Nigeria.Yet all these communities are yet to see any dividend of democracy in this direction.

This stream popularly called Mbaa river continues to be the only source of water for drinking and washing to the entire constituency till date. Though some individual efforts have been made to drill boreholes but the cost of maintenance has been a huge challenge. Though the constituency is said to be electrified but it is on record

that they have guaranteed power supply less than one hour, two or three times a year. Those who have boreholes now resort to selling the water for about 20 Naira per keg which is a huge amount to the rural dwellers to afford on daily basis.

I have always had the desire to solve this problem for this constituency but paucity of funds has been the bane. However in the year 2013 Osondu Foundation decided to start a pilot project of pipe borne water provision in Ibeme. We opened a borehole that has been providing FREE drinkable water for at least 5 neighboring kindreds 24 hours daily. For the past 6 years we have made sure (at a great cost though) that there is constant water supply for these nearby kindreds which are, Umuezeala Oka, Umuwuoha Oka, Amaorji and Ituohia kindreds all in Imo state Nigeria. Because of the overwhelming testimonies that keep flowing from these kindreds, we have had the increased desire to extend this gesture to many other kindreds in Ugiri constituency but it has not been possible due to paucity of funds. In 2016 I was moved to tears when one of the kindreds assembled both men and women to pay me a "thank you" visit. They brought heads of plantain, palm oil etc just to mention but a few.

Cost implications per kindred for the 50 kindreds

1) Cost of drilling the borehole per kindred ------- $7,500

2) Water storage ( reservoir) including steel stands and eight 1000 liter containers per kindred -- $6000

3) Electricity ( Solar energy preferable) per village-------$75,000

4) Staff emolument per kindred average of five workers at $200 (Two hundred) per month for 1 calendar year ---------- $12,000

5) Emoluments for supervisory staff of minimum 10 workers at $300(three hundred) per month for a year $36,000

In case it will be possible to provide water for the 50 kindreds, the following must be put in place

6) Cost of a plot of land for office space --- $20,000

7) cost of building a supervisory office space ------------ $100,000

8) Office furniture and maintenance --------- $20,000

9) supervisory vehicles 2 Hilux trucks 4x4 (2.8 diesel 6 SP Man) -------- $116,880

10) Incidentals ------ $15,000

The above stated proposal is what it takes to give pipe borne water to a kindred. The supervisory expenses are what will be needed to coordinate the entire 50 kindreds in Ugiri constituency. The above given information is verifiable. If this proposal is kindly considered I will make available Osondu Foundation domiciliary account for remittances as decided by the sponsors.

You may choose to take care of one or more of the lists above in order to enable us help this poor women and children.

NB: We are ready to forward a complete feasibility study on your request.


Pastor Darlington Osondu

For and on behalf of Osondu Foundation

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Nov 28, 2019 at 5:00 AM by
"Osondu Foundation" Advance Fee Scams
an anonymous user from: Lagos, Nigeria

Please may I know why you posted this letter as scam letter because it has no scam related involvement. The foundation is operational in Nigeria till tomorrow and the foundation is really working with the funds they raise globally. Kindly delete this message before the foundation sues you for character assassination.


Nov 28, 2019 at 9:28 AM by
"Osondu Foundation" Advance Fee Scams

The foundation is legit but the letter is a fake, it was not sent by the foundation.


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"Osondu Foundation" Advance Fee Scams