"Tipp Top Laptop Kft" Spam Emails
I keep getting at least 20 "Tipp Top Laptop Kft" spam emails like the one below daily. The links in the email go to laptoplots.eu, which appears to be a website that sells used laptops and other computer equipment. I have to keep deleting some of these emails because they keep slipping pass my email spam filter.
A "Tipp Top Laptop Kft" Spam Email
Updated Laptops Wholesale deals - with FREE shipping - sales2@laptoplots.eu
Mon 04/03/2019 09:53
From: Tipp Top Laptop Kft
Tipp Top L@ptop WholeSale
Information about laptoplots.eu
00 36 70 368 2562
Hungary, Szeged, Back Bernát Str 8.
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