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"U.S.A. Internal Revenue Service Department" Advance Fee Scams Being Sent by Online Scammers

The fake "U.S.A. Internal Revenue Service Department" email below is a scam. Recipients are asked to delete it and should not follow the instructions in it. The fake email is being sent by scammers who are attempting to trick their potential victims into sending them money or personal information by impersonating someone else. An advance-fee scam is a form of fraud and one of the most common types of confidence trick. The scam typically involves promising the victim a significant share of a large sum of money, in return for a small up-front payment, which the fraudster requires in order to obtain the large sum.


The "U.S.A. Internal Revenue Service Department" Advance-Fee Scam

From: -

Date: Sun, Mar 24, 2019, 8:59 AM

Subject: U.S.A. Internal Revenue Service Department.


U.S.A. Internal Revenue Service Department.

Bureau of Consular Affairs

Washington , DC 20520

Greeting from USA I.R.S,

Contact person: Mr.Douglas Shulman


The issue of receipt of your package is not in doubt.However your immediate response has proved beyond every reasonable doubt that you are the owner of the Consignment Box and the authenticity of your claim as the Commission will now appreciate it very much if you will effectively comply strictly within the next 5hrs to fulfill the required. We are now compelled by reasons of your cooperation to engage the Country customs service which is in charge of your Consignment Box to put into effect the machinery for the immediate release of your Consignment to you and at the same time liase with the Rep of Benin for the acquisition of the ownership clearance certificate.

The actual charge for the acquisition of the Clearance certificate is $50 and within 5hrs of the receipt of the $50 charge and acquisition of the certificate,your consignment will be promptly released for onward delivery to you.Note that the reason for the acquisition of the clearance from Rep of Benin is because the Rep of Benin is the port of Departure of the consignment and the origin of the consignment.

Be assured that all necessary procedures and documentation effecting delivery have all been fulfilled and there will not be any other requirement for any other document or whatsoever.The delivery will be effected at no extra cost after payment of the $50 .Note that the $50 being requested is not getting into the coffers of this commission but used to obtain the certificate in your own interest to enable us meet up to delivery your package box into your address USA.

This is neither a scam nor a game and all procedures are open and being followed strictly for you to be able to sue this commission or take strict action in the event of non fulfillment of delivery but i give you a %100 guarantee of immediate delivery upon receipt of the $50 today

You are hereby directed to make the payment in favor of HALL NDIFE who is our bonafide resident accountant in Benin Republic to immediately make the acquisition of the certificate Find below the details of the Accountant whom you are to send the $50 to OR buy google play gift card

Receivers Name: ==== Nneve Ben

Country/City: ======= Benin Republic

Test Question: ======= what city

Answer: =========== Cotonou

Amount: =========== $50 usd

Once you send the money, try to notify us with the MTCN for easy pick up and for immediate action on the release of your consignment. Please treat this as a matter of urgency .Note that any unclaimed consignment will be either confiscated or returned to the country of origin .You are hereby urgently advised to comply with the instructions so as to allow for immediate release and delivery of your consignment to your location.

So you are urgently advised to comply with our directives Mr Edward Kong so that the Customs will release your consignment. text me on +1(501)4082950

Yours Sincerely

Commissioner of Internal Revenue Mr Edward Kong

Commissioner of Internal

Revenue Service

+1(908) 481-5964

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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