The "Revenue Discovery Systems Unpaid Notification" Scam
I received this "Revenue Discovery Systems Unpaid Notification" e-mail and know it is a scam. I have never heard of Revenue Discovery systems and no such information is on my credit report. Also, the email came from a Gmail account, which can be created by anyone and used to scam people.
The "Revenue Discovery Systems Unpaid Notification" Scam
From: Collection Organization -
Sent: Tue, Feb 5, 2019 8:50 am
Subject: Re: First unpaid notification
February 5, 2019
Case File#: D/A-497528
This is to notify you that Joyce, is currently in default under its obligations to Revenue Discovery Systems, in the amount of $1,260.00.
Our records indicate that payment on your account is overdue in the amount of $1,260.00. We have been asked to review your seriously past due account, this invoice is long past due and your refusal to remit payment is beginning to concern us. Is there some reason that you feel you have no responsibility to pay this debt?
Despite our earnest efforts to resolve your past due to account, payment on this account has still not been made please advise us if any discrepancy exists which would explain your lack of response.
Unless payment is received within 7 seven days, we will have no option but to existing we also used a credit score developed by us in making our credit decision, you may experience difficulties in obtaining a loan in the future Few lenders report to the traditional credit reporting agencies. Instead, they deal with specialized “subprime” agencies such as Tele Track and DP Bureau.
If there is a problem about the enclosed bill, please Email us, so that we can discuss the situation. Whatever the source of the problem is, we are in the dark until we hear from you.
We are prepared to proceed with legal action. However, our clients would prefer to give you one last opportunity to make payment and avoid legal action. Accordingly, please remit full payment within seven (7) days of this letter, if you wish to settle the outstanding amount, and discuss anything please contact us by on this email undersigned immediately,
Therefore, demand is hereby made upon you for full payment of the entire balance due on said note in the amount of $1,260.00, including interest accrued to date if the entire amount due is not received on or before 2/11/2019, I shall instruct legal counsel to commence legal proceedings against you.
Reply immediately with your final answer so we can put the remarks in your case file to stop the further process.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Revenue Discovery Systems.
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