The "Walmart We've Canceled Your Order" Phishing Scam

The Walmart Weve Canceled Your Order Phishing Scam

The "Walmart We've Canceled Your Order" email below, which claims the recipients' Walmart order has been canceled, are asked not to click on the links in them. This is because cybercriminals are sending out fake and phishing Walmart emails to their potential victims claiming they have bought something from Walmart. The emails then claim the potential victims should click a link in the same email if they didn't make the order.

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The "Walmart We've Canceled Your Order" Phishing Scam

From: Walmart Order Cancellation <>

Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2019 8:42 AM

Subject: CINDYGS1,Missing Your Order Confirmation Email

Walmart Customer Care

We're sorry.

We've had to cancel.

Hello Grant,

Thanks for your recent order. We're really sorry, but we've canceled Your Order Of 02/16/2019 because we couldn't verify some or all of your payment information. Please Follow The link : click here and be sure your billing address, phone number is correct and current.

After reviewing the details below, visit our Help Center if you have any questions. click here


Your Walmart Customer Care Team

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The link in the fake email goes to a fake Walmart website ( that will ask visitors to sign-in with their Walmart account credentials. Now, any attempts to sign into the fak website will result in the visitors Walmart account credentials being sent to the cybercriminal behind the phishing scam.

Once the cybercriminals have received the stolen credentials, they will use it to hijack their potential victims' account and use them fraudulently.

Walmart customers who have already been tricked by the phishing scam are asked to change their passwords and contact Walmart for help.

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Feb. 20, 2019 at 5:48 PM by
The "Walmart We've Canceled Your Order" Phishing Scam

The links in the emails are going to this website:


Feb. 17, 2019 at 6:52 PM by
The "Walmart We've Canceled Your Order" Phishing Scam

They are using this email address: Walmart Customer Care <>


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The "Walmart We've Canceled Your Order" Phishing Scam